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Diagnosis and Clinical management of acute disorders through the lifespan pediatric disorders Anxiety in Children

Diagnosis and Clinical management of acute disorders through the lifespan pediatric disorders Anxiety in Children

Choose Diagnosis and Clinical management of acute disorders through the lifespan pediatric disorders Anxiety in Children this paper have a lot of different part so it is important i do good research to support my idea .

Write 2-3 paragraphs supporting the rationale for your choice and how you will develop this topic.

Using the PICO(T) format, construct one quantitative question and one qualitative question setting the stage for developing your research investigation.

Include a discussion on which research methodology you feel would be most appropriate for your investigation.

Once you have selected your topic:

For my topic I choose Diagnosis and Clinical management of acute disorders through the lifespan pediatric disorders

Anxiety in Children

1, Write 2-3 paragraphs supporting the rationale for your choice and how you will develop this topic.

The reason I choose this topic is that Anxiety can becoming more problem on children. Anxiety in children can be paralyzing from doing their everyday life. Sample task can be difficult or paralyzing. Basically things they have to do in their everyday life will be hard to do.

Incident in children Anxiety increasing. Anxiety affects anxious child in all aspect of their life. Such as decrease play activity, sleeping disorder, school, Socialization and family relationship. It affects their play activity imagination are they avoiding social interaction. They can basically be afraid to go to bed simply they are scared they wouldn’t walk up. Anxious children wouldn’t get help from teacher because they are afraid they teacher going think they are not smart. Tentative because would mean they will have trouble with basic like reading , writing, and math. This can affect them from their rest of their life.

2, Using the PICO(T) format, construct one quantitative question and one qualitative question setting the stage for developing your research investigation. I need help with PICO(T) format

I need help with this one which one is which

In children age 3 to 10, how does complementary therapy compare to medication within?

In children what is the effect of complementary therapy in childhood Anxiety compare with doing medication.

3, Include a discussion on which research methodology you feel would be most appropriate for your investigation.

I would do quantitative because I could have more people, I would have more result than qualitative, there might be options of number of participant and you can use close, open or multiple questions, I can design my qutioner , I can ask specific question get an answer , the answer will be more specific , do as many questions as I want , it can be annonymos and the anonymity would get more honest answer, fran, sincere and genuine.

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Diagnosis and Clinical management of acute disorders through the lifespan pediatric disorders Anxiety in Children


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