Home » Downloads » Write a 500-750-word essay on the influence patient education has in health care using the experiences of a patient.

Write a 500-750-word essay on the influence patient education has in health care using the experiences of a patient.

Write a 500-750-word essay on the influence patient education has in health care using the experiences of a patient.

Reflect, add intro, thesis, conclusion and supported research. Integrate interview into essay paragraph. Develop each paragraph. Have a paragraph for each question.
Ensure you have a conclusion. Cite interview in APA format.
Please look at the rubric and Class Doc from week one prior to creating week 4 essay.
First, learn how to cite an interview or your paper will lose a lot of points. I need to see clearly their thoughts () and research () and your thoughts.

Title page:
INTRO-INTRO- who will you write about, age, stage of life. research.
Thesis- with argument: Why does this topic matter? THESIS- last sentence in intro.
Paragraph one:
Question bolded
Answer with APA formatted citations and Reflection with research.
Paragraph two, etc
Question bolded
Answer with APA formatted citations and Reflection with research.
Reflection on overview of interview: What did you learn? How did it compare to your expectations? How did it compare given the readings? WITH RESEARCH! What did you find, Is this what you expected?
Conclusion-restate thesis

Reference page in APA format
Last name, FI. (Year, Month date). Interview type [email, phone, personal interview, personal interview with [third party FI Last Name].
Cloyd, A. (2014, July 29). Personal interview.

I’ve had some students in the past select a 25 year old etc and that is missing the purpose of the essay and doesn’t earn many points.
Look at your text to select the correct age for older adult.  This is just a friendly reminder.
Research your topic:
All main posts require sources. (Responses: I encourage research in responses as well to connect points. Use examples in responses. Apply the material. Avoid general statements. Avoid repeating information)
No question is opinion based. Please support your points in each paragraph.
Cite in the text AND reference in APA. (They are different) Show where you are getting your sources from. Avoid long quotes. Do not copy and paste. Do your own work.

Critical thinking:
This is required in class. What do you conclude? How can you demonstrate your understanding? Full points are not earned by research only or by the number of posts you make. Apply the material. Use examples. Show your thinking and own conclusions.

Organize your work:
Please also organize your post.
If you need 3 examples, please label your examples 123.
Make it easy to read: Split up paragraphs online for easier reading for your peers.

Write a 500-750-word essay on the influence patient education has in health care using the experiences of a patient. Interview a friend or family member about that person’s experiences with the health care system. You may develop your own list of questions.

Suggested interview questions:

Did a patient education representative give you instructions on how to care for yourself after your illness or operation?
Did a health care professional, pharmacist, nurse, doctor, or elder counselor advise you on your medication, diet, or exercise?
Who assisted you at home after your illness or operation?
Do you know of any assistance services, i.e., food, transportation, medication, that would help you stay in your home as you get older?


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Write a 500-750-word essay on the influence patient education has in health care using the experiences of a patient.

756 words

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