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Evaluate factors that influence safe, quality patient-centered care.

Evaluate factors that influence safe, quality patient-centered care.

Evaluate factors that influence safe, quality patient-centered care. Consider:

Shared decision-making
Laws, regulations, and policies

Analyze changes in technology and their effect on quality patient care.

Explain the roles of communication, collaboration, and shared decision-making.

Consider communication and collaboration between health care team members, between the patient and staff, and involving insurance companies.

Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources in an APA-formatted reference page.

Format your assignment as one of the following:
875-word paper

Submit your evaluation.

RUBRIC GRADING: Criterion 1: Evaluated factors influencing quality, safe, patient-centered care considering: • Technology • Communication • Collaboration • Shared decision making • Laws, regulations and policies
30% of total grade

Criterion 2: Analyzed changes in technology and their effect on quality patient care.
30% of total grade

Criterion 3: Explained the role communication, collaboration, and shared decision making. Considered communication and collaboration between healthcare team members between the patient and staff and involving insurance companies.
30% of total grade

Criterion 4: Followed a structure that is clear, concise, and appropriate; maintained a scholarly tone. Cited at least two peer-reviewed sources within the last 5 years in an APA-formatted reference page.
10% of total grade

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Evaluate factors that influence safe quality patient-centered care


1334 words

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