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I agree with your opinion that intussusception is the most likely diagnosis for the 16-month-old toddler, Jo S.

I agree with your opinion that intussusception is the most likely diagnosis for the 16-month-old toddler, Jo S.

Discussion Board 3 Need Substantive reply to the reactions to my initial posts from Ms. Silv with at least 2 references.

I agree with your opinion that intussusception is the most likely diagnosis for the 16-month-old toddler, Jo S. This patient has all of the signs of intussusception, including intermittent abdominal pain, leg drawing up, and currant-jelly stool. Furthermore, the disease usually has an abrupt onset, which is consistent with the patient’s symptoms. According to Stanford Medicine Children’s Health (2023), Intussusception is a serious intestine problem causing blockages and obstructions, primarily in children aged 3 months to 3 years. It is a medical emergency and can lead to infection or even death if not treated. Intussusception causes sudden, loud belly pain in babies and children, often causing crying and discomfort. The pain usually subsides, but can be severe.

I also agree that the differential diagnoses you mentioned are less likely due to the patient’s symptoms. Constipation is unlikely due to the absence of other symptoms, while Incarcerated hernia is less likely due to intermittent pain. Malrotation with volvulus is more serious but less common than intussusception in children. Excess gas is common in infants but not usually accompanied by abdominal pain.

It’s fascinating to learn about the research conducted by Plut et al. (2020) regarding intussusception as a significant causal factor of intestinal obstruction in children under 3 years old. The trapped section of the bowel experiences ischemia due to a cut-off blood supply, causing the “red currant jelly” stool. The pathophysiology of intussusception is still unclear, but the mass disrupting peristalsis and potentially leading to complications like infection, tissue death, or perforation emphasizes the importance of prompt addressing. Recent developments in understanding the pathophysiology of intussusception are intriguing, and it’s important to apply this knowledge to improve diagnostic and treatment approaches for young children with this condition.

In an outpatient clinical setting, it’s crucial to prioritize the well-being of the child. Given the situation, it’s advisable to refer the child to the Emergency Room promptly. Additionally, I agree that consulting with Pediatrician Surgeons/GI Doctors for further evaluation and management is highly recommended. The management approach for this condition in the pediatric population indeed depends on the specific type of intussusception involved. Intussusception is a medical emergency involving the intestine folding into itself, causing blockages and preventing food digestion. It can be corrected through diagnostic testing or surgery, but if left untreated, it can be life-threatening and potentially recur. If not treated, it can happen again, especially if not treated with surgery. Your attention to these steps demonstrates your commitment to ensuring the child receives the appropriate care and attention (Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, 2023).


Mayo Clinic. (2023, January 5). Intussusception – Symptoms & causes -Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/intussusception/symptoms-causes/syc-20351452

Stanford Medicine Children’s Health. (2023). Intussusception. https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=intussusception-90-P02002#:~:text=It%20stops%20food%20that%20is,children%2C%20teenagers%2C%20and%20adults.

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I agree with your opinion that intussusception is the most likely diagnosis for the 16-month-old toddler Jo S.


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