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Connie Rodriguez, a 47-year-old overweight woman, has gradually increasing dyspnea

Connie Rodriguez, a 47-year-old overweight woman, has gradually increasing dyspnea

Connie Rodriguez, a 47-year-old overweight woman, has gradually increasing dyspnea and mild chest discomfort on exertion, fatigue, and weight gain. She has no children and is not pregnant. Further history reveals a family history of diabetes. Ms. Rodriguez reports she has been needing to urinate more frequently, has some numbness in her feet, an itchy rash in her groin, and blurry vision.

In this discussion:

1. What other questions would you want to ask this patient in order to determine a diagnosis?

2. Discuss your differential diagnoses with clinical reasoning.

3. What would be your treatment diagnosis? Describe how you determined this diagnosis with a discussion of the pathophysiology of the disease in detail.

4. What blood tests would you order & why?

5. Describe the physiological mechanisms that contribute to peripheral neuropathy & yeast infections with this patient?

6. If this patient was found to have coronary artery disease, what are important health education considerations to be discussed with the patient?

Paper Format: APA

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Connie Rodriguez, a 47-year-old overweight woman, has gradually increasing dyspnea


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