The Abilene Paradox is a very real thing
The Abilene Paradox is a very real thing!
We will be discussing CONFLICT in a later Discussion, but for this one, we will discuss AGREEMENT.
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We are all guilty of the Abilene Paradox at some point in our life. With the lunch example that is something I think I can relate to a lot. I agree to do a lot of things just because I feel like I am being a downer if I don’t. I always end up having a great time and glad I went but I can admit I usually only go to “agree”. To me something as simple as lunch or going somewhere isn’t that damaging and can be a good thing even if no one really wanted to go to begin with. However, for the example of project X and the wedding that is where the Abilene paradox has consequences. You have to have a balance and be able to know when to agree and when you have to stand up for yourself. In the video it showed the positive outcome once they went against it but that is not always the outcome.
EX2: The abilene paradox is a very true thing and it happens almost everyday in the world, whether you realize it or you don\’t. Making decisions in life is a everyday and every minute in life whether it is a big decision or a little one. The lunch story here in this video is a good example of making a decision based off pressure and/or because you don\’t want to start a argument about something as little as what is for dinner. Sometimes you are going to make bad decisions and sometimes you will make good ones and that is just how life goes. But, in the wedding situation you have to know when it\’s not okay to speak up and say something and then you have to know when it is time to stand up and say what is needed.
Requirements: 300 words
We will be discussing CONFLICT in a later Discussion, but for this one, we will discuss AGREEMENT.
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347 words