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Explain how your research contributed to the scientific community

Explain how your research contributed to the scientific community Write a Conclusion paper (4 pages) APA Style (conclusion based on attached paper)Explain how your research contributed to the scientific community / the environment/ the general public Compare and contrast research, events, opinions and examples that are not supportive of your findings. Please research inner city … Read more

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Students will read and review a book of their own choosing (hopefully an interesting one)

Students will read and review a book of their own choosing (hopefully an interesting one) Students will read and review a book of their own choosing (hopefully an interesting one). Start locating your book as soon as possible. Your book must meet the following standards: It must relate to some aspect of World History II (political, economic, social, military, … Read more

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An annotated bibliography is a document containing selected sources accompanied by a respective annotation

An annotated bibliography is a document containing selected sources accompanied by a respective annotation An annotated bibliography is a document containing selected sources accompanied by a respective annotation. Each annotation consists of a summary, analysis, and application for the purpose of conveying the relevance and value of the selected source. As such, annotations demonstrate a … Read more

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This analysis is based on the Bottler Company Caselet

This analysis is based on the Bottler Company Caselet This analysis is based on the Bottler Company Caselet: Using COBIT 5 that is provided on Blackboard. You can find the case online 5 pages  For this assignment you are to address the following points: Develop a business case for implementing ERP that focused around the benefits, challenges, and … Read more