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Assignment 1: Discussion: Sexual Communication

Assignment 1: Discussion: Sexual Communication Athena and Marcus have been dating for several months, and it is clear to both that they will soon be lovers. They are both excited and secretly a little worried about getting sexually involved. Marcus has only had one other serious girlfriend with whom he had intercourse, and she broke … Read more

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Morals and Ethics in Society

Morals and Ethics in Society It’s time to determine what society believes are the similarities and differences between morals and ethics. In a 2-3 page, APA formatted, research paper, you are required to analyze the accepted similarities AND differences between morals and ethics. You will complete this paper through use of research and quotations. All … Read more

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Effective listener

Effective listener Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft®PowerPoint® presentation with which includes the following: A description of what makes an effective listener An explanation of why listening skills are important for effective presentations A description of common symptoms of poor listening skills A description of at least two methods for improving one’s listening skills Within the PowerPoint presentation, … Read more

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Cybernetic Control, Go/No Go Control, and Post-control

Cybernetic Control, Go/No Go Control, and Post-control Compare and contrast cybernetic control, go/no go control, and post-control and the information requirements of each. Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and conform to APA Requirements. Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbooks.   …………………..sample solution……………. It is very easy to … Read more