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EDU 673 W3 Instruct.Strat. for Differentiated Teach Learn D1

EDU 673 W3 Instruct.Strat. for Differentiated Teach Learn D1 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Chapter 5 states: Differentiated instruction is built on a foundation of effective teaching practices. Quality curriculum is one of these defining principles, as what is taught serves as the basis for how it is taught. Quality curriculum has its basis in … Read more

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EDU673: W3 Instruct. Strat. for Differentiated Teach Learn D2

EDU673: W3 Instruct. Strat. for Differentiated Teach Learn D2 Examine “All Children Can Learn”. Then, search the web for effective, evidence-based differentiated strategies that are engaging, motivating, and address the needs of individual learners. First, provide five evidence-based strategies: Two instructional strategies (i.e., graphic organizers), Two instructional tools (e.g., technology tool, device or iPad App, … Read more

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Diversity management

Diversity management In a 3 page paper list how you would describe yourself to someone including single words about yourself (im a complex person). What are the most important terms/phrases that you feel best describe you? If you provided this list to someone, what stereotypes might someone have about you? After you have described yourself, … Read more