My topic is: Texting While Driving

Below, you’ll see an example of how I would like you to complete the annotated citation page for the Speech 2 & 3 Proposal assignments. All citations should be in APA format and adhere strictly to APA style guidelines. You should annotate each of your chosen sources. The annotated citation page will be worth 10 of the 20 available points for the proposal assignment. For each source, write a short paragraph that illustrates the credibility and applicability of the source as it relates to your topic, speech goals, and your audience. 150-200 words per annotation will suffice.

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (2009, June 30). Seat belt law. Retrieved from http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/safety/vehicle/seatbelt/law.htm

Wisconsin’s Department of Transportation (DOT) website offers specific information about Wisconsin’s seat belt laws and how they are enforced. Of particular note, the seat belt law in Wisconsin is a primary enforcement law which means that police officers can stop a car and issue a ticket for not wearing a seat belt as they would other routine traffic violations. The webpage indicates that primary enforcement seat belt laws have been proven to increase seat belt usage in several states.

This source is an important addition to my speech because it partially supports my claim that seat belt regulation leads to higher rates of seat belt usage, thus lowering injury and fatality in accidents. The DOT is a credible, primary source that my audience can trust as an objective voice of authority on Wisconsin’s rules of the road. I am hoping that this source will demonstrate the necessity of seat belt regulation as I persuade them to use their seat belts more regularly.

SAMPLE Annotation

Below, you’ll see an example of how I would like you to complete the annotated citation page for the Speech 2 & 3 Proposal assignments. All citations should be in APA format and adhere strictly to APA style guidelines. You should annotate each of your chosen sources. The annotated citation page will be worth 10 of the 20 available points for the proposal assignment. For each source, write a short paragraph that illustrates the credibility and applicability of the source as it relates to your topic, speech goals, and your audience. 150-200 words per annotation will suffice.

Wisconsin Department of Transportation (2009, June 30). Seat belt law. Retrieved from http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/safety/vehicle/seatbelt/law.htm

Wisconsin’s Department of Transportation (DOT) website offers specific information about Wisconsin’s seat belt laws and how they are enforced. Of particular note, the seat belt law in Wisconsin is a primary enforcement law which means that police officers can stop a car and issue a ticket for not wearing a seat belt as they would other routine traffic violations. The webpage indicates that primary enforcement seat belt laws have been proven to increase seat belt usage in several states.

This source is an important addition to my speech because it partially supports my claim that seat belt regulation leads to higher rates of seat belt usage, thus lowering injury and fatality in accidents. The DOT is a credible, primary source that my audience can trust as an objective voice of authority on Wisconsin’s rules of the road. I am hoping that this source will demonstrate the necessity of seat belt regulation as I persuade them to use their seat belts more regularly.

Third Speech Assignment: Persuasive Speech Involving a Problem-Solu;on For this assignment, you will not only inform your audience of an issue that poses a problem, but also advocate for a specific solu:on. Both the problem and the solu:on must be audience-appropriate. Primarily, you must convince your audience of the problem and the reasonableness of your solu:on. That means that the solu:on must be seen as prac:cal and actually helping to resolve the problem. Keep in mind as well that this is the final speech of the class, and as such you are expected to demonstrate improvement from previous speeches as well as an applied knowledge of class concepts. In other words, the expecta:on is that you not only should be demonstrably more comfortable speaking to an audience, but that you should be a beDer public speaker. You will have a free choice in selec:ng your topic, but your Instructor will have addi:onal advice on topics that should be avoided. We don’t wish to s:fle your crea:ve freedom, but rather to allow you to benefit from our experience in helping you avoid topics that have proven to be more trouble than they are worth. The addi:onal minimum requirements of this speech are as follows: • The speech cannot be longer than seven minutes. • You must cite at least four different and appropriate sources in your speech. Wikipedia and the dic:onary are not appropriate sources. All claims of fact and tes:mony must be cited appropriately. • The speech must demonstrate clear and purposeful organiza:on, and be delivered intelligibly. • The speaker’s manner and body language should be appropriate for the occasion. • An outline for the speech needs to be provided according to your Instructor’s specifica:ons. Your Instructor will provide you with addi:onal informa:on and assistance regarding this assignment at the appropriate :me. Remember that as an audience member, you will be assigned to complete two peer evalua:ons during this speaking round. Commun 103 – Introduc;on to Public Speaking



……………………….Answer preview……………….

NARRATION: Technology has made it easier for people to connect to levels that were not available a few decades ago. However, in as much as there are so many pros of improvement, misuse of the technology on roads has caused a significant increase in road accidents………………………….




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