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Analyze the relationship between the fiscal status of healthcare organizations and reimbursement

Analyze the relationship between the fiscal status of healthcare organizations and reimbursement

Analyze the relationship between the fiscal status of healthcare organizations and reimbursement
You are the VP of your healthcare organization and you have been tasked with the duty by your CEO of working with your CFO in creating a go to document for new hires on analyzing risk. Your organization has lost more than 15% in revenue due to avoidable and preventable incidents. Your job is to make a handout for all employees of the organization showcasing the steps of how to manage risk. Please include the following categories on your flyer describing each step with multiple supporting details:

Avoid the risk
Share the risk
Accept the risk
Control the risk
Then, using the Plan-Do-Check-Act method of controlling a risky situation, provide an example with a visual (I.e. pictures, smart art etc.)

Microsoft Word document
Handout Format
No minimum or maximum pages
No paragraphs (remember, this is a handout for quick reference)
PDCA needs to have at least one visual to showcase method
APA style reference page and in-text citations
Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.

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Analyze the relationship between the fiscal status of healthcare organizations and reimbursement


786 words

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