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Determine if your selected organization is ready for change and suggest at least one strategy that organizational leader

Determine if your selected organization is ready for change and suggest at least one strategy that organizational leader

Assessing an Organization’s Readiness for Change

Using your current organization or an organization with which you are familiar, use the Rate the Organization’s Readiness for Change media tool from this unit’s studies to assess the organization’s readiness for change. Score your selected organization for each section and summarize the results. Determine if your selected organization is ready for change and suggest at least one strategy that organizational leaders can use to better prepare the organization for change.

Responses should range from 350 words, with APA formatted in-text citations and accompanying, congruent APA formatted references.


Would you  do this and send as soon as possible? The rating tool was on the Microsoft Word document before the DQ instructions. It should show up with the written information.

Should this have been on Fresenius or another organization?

I don’t believe this should have been on Tufts/NEMC.  I don’t believe the questions below were addressed (?)

The scores were not included in the discussion response for “Assessing an Organization’s Readiness for Change” for MHA5040, Week 5. These were the Instructions:

[u05d1] Unit 5 Discussion 1

Assessing an Organization’s Readiness for Change

Using your current organization or an organization with which you are familiar, use the Rate the Organization’s Readiness for Change media tool from this unit’s studies to assess the organization’s readiness for change. Score your selected organization for each section and summarize the results. Determine if your selected organization is ready for change and suggest at least one strategy that organizational leaders can use to better prepare the organization for change.

Responses should range from 350 words, with APA formatted in-text citations and accompanying, congruent APA formatted references.

Determine if your selected organization is ready for change and suggest at least one strategy that organizational leader

Answer preview to determine if your selected organization is ready for change and suggest at least one strategy that organizational leader

Determine if your selected organization is ready for change and suggest at least one strategy that organizational leaderAPA

659 words

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