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A description of the company’s communication structure and identify ways that culture has influenced the structure.

A description of the company’s communication structure and identify ways that culture has influenced the structure.

Research your chosen company(APPLE).  Find a minimum of three library sources, which will support your thesis in this assignment.  Review your assigned weekly lecture and text reading.  Select from this reading 8-10 key concepts, which will also support your thesis. In a five- to six-page paper, address the questions below.  Your paper should follow APA format including a title and reference page. The five- to six-page paper length requirement does NOT include the title page and reference page.  Using APA Standards in Your Coursework to ensure you are following the correct format.

Imagine you are a management consultant.  You have been hired by the company you chose(APPLE) at the beginning of the session to analyze their communications and leadership.  You have been asked to submit a final report to the executive team with your findings including the following:

A description of the company’s communication structure and identify ways that culture has influenced the structure.

A discussion of the barriers to communication that may arise when leading diverse teams.  Identify specific methods for overcoming those barriers and develop a high performing team.

An analysis of the various leadership styles and different types of leaders.

An assessment of the level of trust in the organization and make recommendations for improvement.

Recommendations for motivating the workforce that are clearly based on motivational theory.


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Apple utilizes groupware communication. There is both formal and informal communication structure. Apple, therefore, keeps a balance of formal and informal communication. It is an effective method of control over decision making. There are enough conversations among individuals that are critical in decision making.  With this kind of communication structure, Apple Company has enhanced its effectiveness and efficiency. Informal communication, communication is expressed from the top. In addition to the formal communication structure in Apple Company, there exists a lot of informality on the other hand. Stakeholders in the organization see themselves as peers. Individuals are even allowed by the Chief Executive Officer to make their complaints via email. There are also weekly bashes, ping pong and espressos in the organization that is essential in enabling informal communication chats to take place. The informal communication structure is flexible, and so survives the dynamic changes in the environment of the organization. It is due to this communication structure in Apple Company that has led to increased innovation and creativity………………………………………………………………..


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