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The importance of sleep

The importance of sleep

Topic: The importance of sleep
1. a. Find 3-5 sources for your final speech. At least one source needs to be from an authoritative source such as a .gov or .edu (.orgs may be approved on a case-by-case basis). You may NOT use Wikipedia as a source. Remember, a Wikipedia entry has a number of sources, which, if done correctly, should all be at the bottom in a reference section.

b.  Submit via Canvas (this assignment page – use the Research and Organization worksheet under Files   Download use the Research and Organization worksheet under Files to help.

–  A bibliography (works cited) of your 3-5 sources in APA style (great resource here: http://track.smtpsendemail.com/9064971/c?p=AgE97FwjlI437G0pHOXJQSYpabF4k9HZ1PBGXF7tJ8BdDeS5FA6lTOZgToWEPtYNqW_Is0K3BQt3p-zVaQC6Y1CLTC2b0wWSlLlt0NczRVmexxEgEsvaZdurOgXAPMrZn3Gv1-hk9UwhqbR8Hoje5-BSjUfTqXIz_fCBFg23iENmFiwEo1HhHgd5tb65f12YTQs2qO-CW-bd1BFSLGn9NxPZt4MN7b2-OJ60Vu6MI2-FtTZjRV1kbMuR6jKLxLMo (Links to an external site.) )

–  Show how you will be citing this information within your speech in a complete sentence. Hint: “According to……/As written in…….etc”

– An outline of your speech to include:

A. A compelling introduction (none of this, “Hi, my name is _______ and today I’m going to talk to you about ______). You’re better than that – give me AND your audience a compelling reason to listen. BE CREATIVE.

B. Breakout of your main points and what you’ll cover.

C. A compelling conclusion – this is your chance to summarize your points and reemphasize your central idea in a memorable way.

Answer preview to the importance of sleep

The importance of sleep


365 words

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