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The organization deals with a lot of activities and departments that determines its efficiency

The organization deals with a lot of activities and departments that determines its efficiency

Koteswara Rao Remelli

Discussion 2


The organization deals with a lot of activities and departments that determines its efficiency. As part of the assessment, the employees took a questionnaire to indicate what works and the area in need of improvements. The organization seems to have its goals stated clearly with flexible labor divisions and support from the relevant management figures. Such as an organization leaves a positive impact on the growth and development of the individuals in their personal or career journeys. The flexibility is an excellent way of encouraging change in the organization through its internal strategies of leadership and employee motivation.

The kind of environment created in the organizational interactions makes it easier for employees to assist each other in different segments. It is, therefore, more accessible for people to relate on a professional as well as a personal level. Group works have effectively ensured that most activities occur in a standard way that more effective than taking a personal approach (Slack, Brandon-Jones, & Johnston, 2016). The organization has been able to successfully conduct its duties by encouraging employee motivation in all the ways possible.

There are, however, other aspects of the structure that makes it challenging to achieve the goals and objectives put in place. The kind of working environment is too corporate such that it barely allows the employees to have meaningful interactions (Slack, Brandon-Jones, & Johnston, 2016). Unlike other settings where the family aspect is introduced, the issue is not allowed in this case. There are no occasional events that take place to involve family settings in the operations. Most employees end up distanced with their families due to this factor. The organization also barely puts any new policies in place to control the running of the organization. These policies might include rules, strategies to change the workplace and introduction of unique individuals in the environment. It can be tedious and demotivating when individuals spend more than five years without any changes despite having requested them.

The biggest challenge in any aspect concerning the increment of salaries and promotions. Research suggests that employees are mostly motivated by monetary incentives and appreciation (Slack, Brandon-Jones, & Johnston, 2016). It is, however, the opposite in the organization as people barely get promoted regardless of the amount of effort or time they give. Employees remain at the same position for years, even after contributing to the successful completion of projects. The salary is also not motivating at all, as it does not consider the aspect of inflation and the rising economic needs of the people. It is, therefore, a way of encouraging employee turnovers when individuals get better deals with other employers.

All the units should work together towards the success of the organization and comfort of the stakeholders. The essential segments as identified through the questionnaire include rewards, purposes, effective mechanisms and structure. Depending on the kind of results attained during the interview, the most performing segments ate the structure and goals or the objectives of the organization, whether short term or long term. On the other hand, active mechanisms and rewards are not as productive as they are expected to be. These scores assist the management in identifying critical areas of operation and those in need of improvements. When everything is working in the right direction, it becomes easier to successfully contribute to the growth and development of all stakeholders involved.


Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, A. & Johnston, R. (2016). Operations management. 8th ed. Pearson. ISBN: 9781292098678 (text is available as hard cover and electronic versions)

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