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How do you currently apply emotional intelligence skills as a student or working professional

How do you currently apply emotional intelligence skills as a student or working professional

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In previous modules, you have explored emotional intelligence. For Project Three, you will be exploring careers and job opportunities that leverage the EI and social awareness skills that you are building in this class. In this module, you will read about how compassion fatigue manifests in helping careers and why self-care is so important. Keep this idea of compassion fatigue in mind as you encounter the topics of coping behaviors and grit in later modules of your course.


The following resource supports your work on the activity:

Module Three Activity Template: Download and use this template to complete your activity.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Is your goal to work in a helping profession or do you work in a helping profession now? Describe why your goal profession or current profession is meaningful to you.

One of your programmatic course themes is self-care. Which of the strategies for self-care from the article Recognizing Compassion Fatigue in the Helping Professions are most relevant to you now as a student or working professional?

One of your programmatic course themes is emotional intelligence. How do you currently apply emotional intelligence skills as a student or working professional? How can it be useful for you to explore strategies for EI as this course (or the program, if you are a Psychology major) continues?

Answer preview to how do you currently apply emotional intelligence skills as a student or working professional

How do you currently apply emotional intelligence skills as a student or working professional


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