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Explore legal issues in professional nursing practice and discuss the legal implications of identifying and reporting substance abuse disorder (SUD) in nursing

For this discussion, you will explore legal issues in professional nursing practice and discuss the legal implications of identifying and reporting substance abuse disorder (SUD) in nursing.
1. Read/Watch the materials provided in Instructional Material on Substance Use Disorder in Nursing
2. In your discussion board post, respond to the following:
• Describe one (1) change in job performance that may indicate someone is misusing substances.
• Describe three (3) behavior changes or physical signs assocated with misusing substances.
• Describe two (2) behaviors that may cause you to suspect that controlled medications are being diverted?
• What should you do if you suspect another nurse is diverting drugs or abusing substances?
• Does your facility have a policy on substance use disorder? If so, what steps are in place for reporting suspected SUD?
must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic

Paper Format: APA

Explore legal issues in professional nursing practice and discuss the legal implications of identifying and reporting substance abuse disorder (SUD) in nursing


394 words

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