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Applying a Nursing Theory to Practice Problem Paper

Applying a Nursing Theory to Practice Problem Paper

Applying a Nursing Theory to Practice Problem Paper

10 minimum written pages -12 maximum (groups size will vary) plus title page, references, and appendix. No abstract required.

Minimum of 2 references which includes 1 journal articles on the theory, the textbook, other journal articles as needed, and government/professional organization websites for statistics/rates.

1. Groups will choose a clinical practice problem of interest: Palliative care in patients, Applying Kolcaka’s theory of comfort

2. Next, select a middle range nursing theory that can be applied to address the problem. Choose from this list More details about these theories is in Ch 11 of McEwen & Wills ● Health Promotion Model (Pender) ● Uncertainty in Illness Theory (Mishel) ● Theory of Comfort (Kolcaba)NUR 620 Fall 2022 Theoretical Basis for Advanced Practice Nursing 11 ● Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms (Lenz et al.) ● Theory of Chronic Sorrow (Eakes et al.) ● Transitions Theory (Meleis) or situation specific Transitions Theory ● Caregiver Stress (Tsai)*Table 11.3 only Used in example ● Model of Skill Acquisition in Nursing (Benner) ● Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory (Leininger) ● Synergy Model for Patient Care (American Association of Critical Care Nurses)

 If the theory is situation specific, the chosen problem must be congruent with it. ● There are other middle range theories. If the group wishes to choose a theory that is not on the list, seek approval from the professor first to ensure it is a good fit for the assignment.

4. Develop a paper that includes the following:

● Introduction (10%) 1 paragraphs – Briefly introduce the problem that the group has identified in a few sentences. Add statistics to establish the prevalence of the problem – if appropriate (ex. rate of diabetes in teenagers or maternal morbidity/mortality rates for African Americans). Follow with a couple of sentences about the theory the group has chosen to guide the nursing intervention proposals in the paper. Remember, the introduction grabs the reader’s attention but saves the details for later. End the introduction with a purpose statement (The purpose of this paper is to…).

● Description of Nursing Theory (10%) 2 paragraphs – Describe in detail the nursing middle range theory that you selected. This description must be accurate and in sufficient depth so that the reader will be able to understand important concepts and how they relate to one another. Copy and paste the model in the Appendix after the References.

● Literature Review on Using the Theory in Research/Practice (30%) (2 paragraphs)– Provide an overview of the literature that supports the use of this theory. These journal articles must show how the chosen theory is used in nursing research or practice (clinical setting) not literature reviews or simple descriptions of the theory. The articles do not have to be about your chosen clinical problem. For example, if the clinical problem is pain in elderly dementia patients and the group is using Kolcaba’s Theory of Comfort, the chosen articles can be any use of Comfort Theory in practice or research. For this section two (2) recent, peer reviewed journal articles PER group MEMBER meet the assignment criteria. Each student writes 1 concise paragraph on EACH journal article identifying how the theory was applied and the outcome of using it – not a summary of the whole article.

● Description of the Problem/Situation (10%) – Describe the problem in one paragraph. Be succinct but provide sufficient detail so the reader understands the problem. Use references to document the problem, including statistics as appropriate. Some of these references would be used in the Introduction.

● Applying the Theory to Nursing Practice Case Study (25%) – Present a case study of a client with the chosen problem. Introduce the case in a paragraph with details about the person/population and problem. Make it real! Utilize the theory as a guiding framework to assess, plan/implement interventions, and describe possible outcomes. Look at the model/framework/theory in your Appendix. Make that connection. Some theories are based on assessment (Pender) others include assessment and how to create interventions (Kolcaba).

● Alternate Theory (10%) – Identify a borrowed theory or another nursing theory that could also guide practice in the same situation. Describe the theory and provide justification for using this theory. The textbook provides an excellent source for the alternate theories.

● Conclusions (5%) – Completely summarize thoughts and position without introducing new content. Refer to the purpose statement. What did you start out to do? How did you do it? NUR 620 Fall 2022 Theoretical Basis for Advanced Practice Nursing 12

Do not copy and paste content – plagiarism will result in a zero grade. Paraphrase using your own thoughts and words. Avoid quotations in academic writing – express your own interpretation of content you are learning. Use APA resources and exemplar in BB. Make an appointment with the Writing Center to review your paper before submission to avoid APA deductions.

APA – This paper must be presented in an organized and scholarly fashion following APA 7 th edition guidelines. Up to seven (7) points can be deducted for the following: 1. Clarity – 3 points 2. References – 2 points 3. APA Format/In-text citations – 2 points

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Applying a Nursing Theory to Practice Problem Paper


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