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As a nursing leader you will have the opportunity to implement many proposals.

As a nursing leader you will have the opportunity to implement many proposals.

As a nursing leader you will have the opportunity to implement many proposals. This is an exercise to help you learn the processes or steps you will need for implementation. Utilizing assignment one choose one of the program outcomes and develop a quality assurance/capstone project that you believe would be beneficial to your area of employment, or the profession of nursing in general.

In assignment 2 you will address the following points. the capstone project topic.

review of the literature to validate the importance of the project. Location for the proposed plan three outcomes you plan to achieve.

how the project will impact your workplace and your institution

how the project will impact your nursing practice, your workplace and nursing as a profession

However, please note that there is no expectation that you will implement this plan. If you are using a plan from a previous course, you must make significant changes to your paper or cite yourself. Using previously graded work is self-plagiarism.




20 points12 points7 points0 pointsTotal Points

Develops a well-organized discussion of the capstone project and reviews the literature to support the validity of the project.

Develops a well-organized discussion of the capstone project and reviews the literature to support the validity of the project.

Discussion of capstone project minimally describes the importance of the project and/or literature does not support the validity of the project

Discussion of capstone project is poorly stated and/or the literature review is missing or poorly supports the validity of the project.No paper submitted or content missing.

/20Provides a detailed summary of the location and key players (stakeholders) necessary for success of the project. Provides a detailed summary of the location and key players (stakeholders) necessary for success of the project. Provides a summary and discussion of the location as well as key players for the project but content is missing or not in-depth enough

Provides vague and poorly presented discussion of the location and key stakeholders for the project and/or content is missing

Does not describes the proposed plan or no paper submitted

/20Identifies 3 or 4 measurable outcomes you plan to achieve with the project.Identifies 3 or 4 measurable outcomes you plan to achieve with the project.Identifies at least 2 measurable outcomes you plan to achieve with the project.Identifies 1 outcomes for the proposed planDoes not identify outcomes for the proposed plan or no paper submitted

/2010 points7 points1 point0 points

Describes in detail the benefits of the plan to the institution

Describes in detail the benefits of the plan to the institution

Describes some of the benefits of the plan to the institutionVaguely (lists) describes the benefits of the plan to the institution

Does not describe the benefits of the plan to the institution or no paper submitted


Discusses in detail the resources needed to implement your plan and the potential budget requirements

Discusses in detail the resources needed to implement your plan and the potential budget requirements

Identifies some of the resources needed to implement your plan and the potential budget requirementsVaguely (lists) discusses the resources needed to implement your plan and the potential budget requirements

Does not identify the resources needed and the potential budget requirements or no paper submitted

/10Competency5 points2 points1 point0 points

OrganizationOrganization excellent, ideas clear and arranged logically, transitions smooth, no flaws in logic.

Organization good; ideas usually clear and arranged in acceptable sequence; transitions usually smooth, good support.Organization minimally effective; problems in approach, sequence, support and transitions.

Organization does not meet requirements.

/5GrammarGrammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage correct and idiomatic, consistent with Standard American English.

Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage good mostly consistent with Standard American English; errors do not interfere with meaning or understanding.

Grammar, punctuation, mechanics and usage distracting and often interfere with meaning or understanding.

Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage interfere with understanding.

/5Competency3 points2 points1 point0 points

ReferencesReferences are relevant, authoritative and contemporary.

Adequate references.Minimal use of appropriate references.

Poor use and/or selection of references not relevant.

/3Competency7 points3 points1 point0 points

APA Format

Demonstrates competent use of mechanics and APA.

Minimal APA errors.

Many APA errors.

Complete lack of understanding.


/7Total Points Possible/100

Answer preview to as a nursing leader you will have the opportunity to implement many proposals.

As a nursing leader you will have the opportunity to implement many proposals.


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