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The importance of ethical decision-making in nursing.

The importance of ethical decision-making in nursing.

This assignment reinforces the importance of ethical decision-making in nursing. You will apply an ethical decision-making model from this week\’s readings to an ethical issue.

Review PARK \”An Integrated Ethical-Decision-Making Model for Nurses\” (see attachment #1)

Apply the ethical decision-making model in the Park article. This is not a review of the article, but an application of the model developed by Park to a CLINICAL ethical decision a nurse may be involved with.

USE THE PARK MODEL AND identify the steps provided in the model; additionally, reflect on the following:

o       State the ethical issue and its relevance for nursing practice.

o       What is the ethical principle(s) involved? (Use Westrick Chapter 45 page 297 for the list of principles…be specific.)

o       Collect and analyze additional information:

o       What populations does this serve?

o       Who are the key stakeholders?

o       What information is needed to overcome the problem?

o       Develop alternatives and compare them:

o       What alternative strategies could be used to address the issues?

o       Justify the decision:

o       Explain why this is important, needed, or beneficial for the patient and family.o       Find strategies to implement the plan:

o       What ethical arguments could you use to dissuade someone who disagrees with the program?

I have included a summary of the Park Model below. Many students successfully organize this assignment by using the steps identified.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

o       875-word paperCite at least 3 evidence-based, peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years to support your position(s).

Include an APA-formatted reference list.

Grading rubric

•       Clearly states the ethical issue and its relevance to nursing practice; analyzes: population served, stakeholders; information needed and problem identification. Identify specific ethical principles involved (see assignment instructions).46% of total grade

•       Lists alternative programs that address the issues; Explains why this is important, needed, or beneficial for identified patient and family34% of total grade

•       Lists strategies to implement the plan15% of total grade

•       Cites at least 3 peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years that clearly support the position(s); Assignment is free of grammatical errors, language maintains a scholarly and succinct tone; Follows a structure that is clear, concise, and appropriate5% of total grade

•       1 Analyze principles used in ethical decision-making.

•       2 Evaluate legal and ethical responsibilities in nursing practice.

Answer preview to the importance of ethical decision-making in nursing.

The importance of ethical decision-making in nursing.


1004 words

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