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Creative writing is an excellent avenue for exploring yourself, your experiences, and your beliefs.

Creative writing is an excellent avenue for exploring yourself, your experiences, and your beliefs.

Creative writing is an excellent avenue for exploring yourself, your experiences, and your beliefs. As a nurse, it is not uncommon for the day to present challenging, or overwhelming, experiences that can be difficult to process. Using this week’s readings and discussion forum as inspiration, plan and write your own creative reflection. Unlike the course’s previous writing assignments, this assignment is much more open-ended, allowing you the opportunity to be creative in this personal exploration.

At the minimum, the Creative Reflection must:

Be carefully proofread and free of errors
Be a minimum of 400 words (may include poetry, personal narrative, profile, blog/journal entry, etc.)
Focus on a personal experience or belief
For more information about the various types of creative writing, please visit: https://www.writingforward.com/creative-writing/types-of-creative-writing
The Creative Reflection does not have to:

Be in traditional/standard essay format
Include a thesis statement, topic sentence, or other core essay components
For specific grading criteria for this assignment, review the Creative Reflection Rubric.

Before you prepare your final draft, review the Creative Reflection Instructions, so you are well aware of all of the requirements for this assignment.

Essay and prewriting/planning assignments must be submitted in Word document (.doc, .docx) form. Assignments submitted in ANY other form, including but not limited to PDF, Google Docs, and .pages, will not be accepted and will receive a zero grade.

Readings and Resources:

Donovan, M. (2015, October 15). 14 types of creative writing opens in new window. https://www.writingforward.com/creative-writing/types-of-creative-writing opens in new window

Morgan, N.P. (n.d.). Writing for good health. opens in new window
https://www.americannursetoday.com/writing-for-good-health/ opens in new window

Hondros College of Nursing. (n.d.). Creative reflection instructions opens in new window. https://myclassroom.hondros.edu opens in new window

Hondros College of Nursing. (n.d.). Creative reflection rubric opens in new window. https://myclassroom.hondros.edu opens in new window

Answer preview to  creative writing is an excellent avenue for exploring yourself, your experiences, and your beliefs.Creative writing is an excellent avenue for exploring yourself your experiences and your beliefs.


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