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The Final Paper is a synthesis of the elements of successful management and leadership

The Final Paper is a synthesis of the elements of successful management and leadership

The Final Paper is a synthesis of the elements of successful management and leadership covered in the weekly assignments. You are required to write an essay on the general topic of fraud and corruption in nonprofit organizations and/or non-governmental organizations. You may choose one of the focused areas listed below as the Options, but you are not required to write on these topics only. You are encouraged to find your own specific focus based on your own work, experience, and interests in this area. The Final Paper should be double-spaced and between 7 and 10 pages in length, excluding title page and reference pages. You should incorporate a minimum of three scholarly references. The Final Paper is due this week and will be evaluated using the Final Paper Rubric located in the Course Information area. Please ensure you have reviewed the rubric and have included all the components in your paper.




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Exemplary Meets the Standards Progressing Emerging
Responsiveness to a Paper or Writing Assignment
90 (30%) – 100 (33.33%)

Paper or writing Assignment is responsive to and exceeds the requirements given in the instructions. It:
• Responds to the assigned or selected topic;
• Goes beyond what is required in some meaningful way (e.g., ideas contribute a new dimension to what we know about the topic, unearths something unanticipated);
• Is substantive and evidence based;
• Demonstrates that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning Resources in the course and that the Paper topic connects in a meaningful way to the course content; and
• Is submitted by the due date.

80 (26.67%) – 89 (29.67%)

Paper or writing Assignment is responsive to and meets the requirements given in the instructions. It:
• Responds to the assigned or selected topic;
• Is substantive and evidence based;
• Demonstrates that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning Resources in the course and that the Paper topic connects in a meaningful way to the course content; and
• Is submitted by the due date.

70 (23.33%) – 79 (26.33%)

Paper or writing Assignment is somewhat responsive to the requirements given in the instructions. It:
• Somewhat misses the point of the assigned or selected topic; and/or
• Lacks in substance, relying more on anecdotal than scholarly evidence; and/or
• Contains little evidence that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning Resources in the course and that the Paper topic connects in a meaningful way to the course content; and
• Is submitted by the due date.

0 (0%) – 69 (23%)

Paper or writing Assignment is unresponsive to the requirements given in the instructions. It:
• Misses the point of the assigned or selected topic; and/or
• Relies primarily on anecdotal evidence; and/or
• Contains little evidence that the student has read, viewed, and considered the Learning Resources in the course and that the Paper topic connects in a meaningful way to the course content;
• Is submitted past the late deadline.

Content Knowledge
90 (30%) – 100 (33.33%)

Paper or writing Assignment demonstrates/provides:
• In-depth understanding and application of concepts and issues presented in the course (e.g., insightful interpretations or analyses; accurate and perceptive parallels, ideas, opinions, and conclusions), showing that the student has absorbed the general principles and ideas presented and makes inferences about the concepts/issues or connects them to other ideas;
• Rich and relevant examples;
• Thought-provoking ideas and interpretations, original thinking, new perspectives;
• Original and critical thinking; and
• Mastery and thoughtful/ accurate application of knowledge and skills or strategies presented in the course

80 (26.67%) – 89 (29.67%)

Paper or writing Assignment demonstrates/provides:
• Understanding and application of the concepts and issues presented in the course, demonstrating that the student has absorbed the general principles and ideas presented;
• Relevant examples;
• Thought-provoking ideas and interpretations, some original thinking, and critical thinking;
• Mastery and application of knowledge and skills or strategies presented in the course.

70 (23.33%) – 79 (26.33%)

Paper or writing Assignment demonstrates/provides:
• Minimal understanding of concepts and issues presented in the course, and, although generally accurate, displays some omissions and/or errors; and/or
• Few and/or irrelevant examples; and/or
• Few if any thought-provoking ideas, little original thinking; and/or
• “Regurgitated” knowledge rather than critical thinking;
• Little mastery of skills and/or numerous errors when using the knowledge, skills, or strategies presented in the course

0 (0%) – 69 (23%)

Paper or writing Assignment demonstrates/provides:
• A lack of understanding of the concepts and issues presented in the course, and/or application is inaccurate and contains many omissions and/or errors; and/or
• No examples or irrelevant examples; and/or
• No thought-provoking ideas or original thinking; and/or
• No critical thinking;
• Many critical errors when applying knowledge, skills, or strategies presented in the course.

Quality of Writing
90 (30%) – 100 (33.33%)

Writing is scholarly and exceeds graduate-level writing expectations. Paper:
• Uses language that is clear, concise, and appropriate;
• Has few if any errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax;
• Is extremely well organized, logical, clear, and never confuses the reader;
• Uses a preponderance of original language and uses direct quotes only when necessary and/or appropriate;
• Provides information about a source when citing or paraphrasing it;
• Consistently uses correct APA form and style (including citations, references, use of nonbiased language, clear organization, good editorial style, etc.) with very few or no errors.

80 (26.67%) – 89 (29.67%)

Writing is scholarly and meets graduate-level writing expectations. Paper:
• Uses language that is clear;
• Has a few errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax;
• Is well organized, logical, and clear;
• Uses original language and uses direct quotes when necessary and/or appropriate;
• Provides information about a source when citing or paraphrasing it;
• Provides correct APA citations about a source when citing or paraphrasing it.

70 (23.33%) – 79 (26.33%)

Writing is somewhat below graduatelevel writing expectations. Paper:
• Uses language that is unclear and/or inappropriate; and/or
• Has more than occasional errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax and/or lacks correct APA citations; and/or
• Is poorly organized, is at times unclear and confusing, and has some problems with logical flow; and/or
• Reflects an underuse of original language and an overuse of direct quotes and paraphrases; and/or
• Sometimes lacks information about a source when citing or paraphrasing it.

0 (0%) – 69 (23%)

Writing is well below graduate-level writing expectations. Paper:
• Uses unclear and inappropriate language; and/or
• Has many errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax; and/or
• Lacks organization in a way that creates confusion for the reader; and/or
• Contains many direct quotes from original source materials and/or consistently and poorly paraphrases rather than using original language; and/or
• Lacks information about a source when citing or paraphrasing it and/or incorrect use of APA.

Total Points: 300



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