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Why did NIMS come about and what are its features

Why did NIMS come about and what are its features

2.) Why did NIMS come about and what are its features?

Grading Rubric

1. Did you answer the question that as asked (eg. If asked to do a “compare and contrast” question, did you tell all aspects if item A, all aspects of item B, how they are similar and how they are different….if asked a “please describe…” question, did you describe the item? If you are asked a “please list” question, are there numbers, (numbers/enumeration should only appear in list questions….)

2. Did you give an introduction to your answer and state your position/idea clearly (did you set up and organize your answer in an easily understandable manner… eg. If you are answering a “compare and contrast” question, did you write something like, “…in a comparison of discriminatory laws that were passed against Chinese immigrants vs. Native Americans, the author will first discuss the Anti-Chinese laws and then the anti-Native American laws. The author will discuss how each of these laws similarly impinged upon each group, and how these laws differentially impinged upon each group. The author will present a conclusion regarding the legacy of these actions for these groups in today’s society. The author will also present his own personal interpretation of the events, and citations from readings…..” (ßthis gives the reader an idea of what to expect).

3. Did you cite empirical sources including your text and at least one outside empirical source/reference (did you base your answer on research or an empirically valid source (eg. Academic journal, scientific research, respected news agency (BBC, public broadcasting, CBC, etc, vs. non-empirical such as USA today, popular magazines, and other non-research bodies—however, if a popular magazine cites an empirical source, cite that source directly, for instance if in USA today, if the reporters discuss research that was done at CDC, then cite the CDC research directly).

4. Did you cite at least one example from current events that supports your position (here you may cite an example from any source, as long as you reference it….newspaper, website, newscast, etc.)

5.Did you summarize your answer and tie in all the points you wanted to make in either a concluding paragraph or statement.http://tiffin.mrooms.net/theme/image.php/snap/theme/1548996585/pencil

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Why did NIMS come about and what are its features


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