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Part 1: Neuroanatomy

Share about a time when you were hit with a major bolt of insight, an amazing, exciting idea, a sudden burst of creativity, or when you otherwise were experiencing something meaningful or profound in your life. Walk us through what was happening in your central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves) at the time. What lobes were activated? Support structures? Hemispheres? Describe how that information flowed through the central nervous system (CNS) and your subjective experience of how it felt to you at the time. Use this as an opportunity to showcase your knowledge of neuroanatomy!

Part 2: Synaptic Survival

In this unit, you learned about synaptic survival. As Lyons et al. (2014) describe it “in order for a synapse to survive, it must be used by the organism on a fairly regular basis. Regular use reinforces the synaptic connection and ensures the survival of that connection and the neuron itself.” This is true in the early developmental period and throughout our lives as well (forming the basis of what is called neuroplasticity).

In the context of your unique cognitive and physical strengths, think back over your life and consider the habits you practiced in order to retain dense neural connections.

  1. What were the activities/habits you performed to create that strength?
  2. What neural structures (lobes, hemispheres, cortexes, etc.) are denser and stronger now as a result?
  3. How does that work to make you good at what you do?

You can focus on any developmental period here – from the enrichments your early caregivers gave you to what you are practicing and developing now as an adult.

Part 3: Genetic Contributions

In addition to practice and habit, do you think genetics played a role in you developing this strength, too? You learned about epigenetics in your Hedges (2022) reading. Briefly, discuss how your genetic background coupled with practices, habits, and other more environmental factors have shaped your particular set of strengths. If this is a challenging exercise, you can consider how epigenetics manifest in someone else’s life – a friend, a person in popular culture, etc.

Requirements: 2 pages   |

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