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My pastor

My pastor

Creative writing assignment

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do the following writing exercise in your journal about your grandfather or a special teacher or a coach or someone you knew at church or at work.

In the middle of the page, write a quick list of your chosen person’s main characteristics. Next, do 10 minutes of free writing about your person, referring to one or more of the characteristics on your list.

Note:Free writing means you write freely about your person without stopping, without making corrections, without rewriting. For now, no need to worry about spelling! You don’t have to be organized. If you skip from one characteristic about your person to another characteristic and then another, that’s fine. Just keep writing and put down whatever comes to mind. If you remember a dialogue, you can scribble that into your free writing! Some writers actually set a kitchen timer and write as fast as they can until the bell rings.

Conclude with a brief physical description of your character. (If you already included a physical description in your free writing then you are done!) Think of details that make your individual unique – hairstyle, glasses, eyes, eye brows, face, complexion, scars, way of walking and talking, clothing, hats, and so on.

1 and half page






………………Answer Preview……………..

My pastor is a tall guy, who always insists on holiness as the way to see the heaven through repentance. He is bald headed and his beards almost cover the better part of his face. He talks with a hoarse voice as he preaches and always likes giving illustrations during his sessions. He is special in a way that he handles his matters, because of his lack of rushing into conclusions. He does not care about what the people around him say about him. He always encourages us to mind our business in whatever thing……………….


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