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Multimedia Poetry

Multimedia Poetry

1st (1.5 pages)

Multimedia Poetry Assignment

Throughout Lesson 1, you have explored the many ways in which authors use elements of poetry to communicate the meaning of a poem. Now, you have an opportunity to share what you know and do so in a multimedia format.

You may choose any multimedia presentation tool you would like. Here are some possibilities:

PowerPoint Prezi.com SlideDog.com Sway

Animoto.com Slideful.com Powtoon.com YouTube.com

HOW you present the information is up to you! WHAT you need to present is as follows:

1. Choose a poem from either the poems assigned in this course or one from a well-known author (i.e. Robert Frost, Gwendolyn Brooks, Alice Walker, Emily Dickinson. NOT a poem by a friend or yourself). You may also consider choosing the lyrics of a song you like (again, by a famous/well-known artist).

2. Use the chart below as a planning guide to help you identify specific elements of poetry within your chosen piece. Then, present this information in whatever multimedia format you choose.

3. Refer to the Poetry Presentation Scoring Rubric. Use it as a checklist to ensure you fulfill all assignment requirements before submitting your work for grading.

2nd essay (1.5 pages)


In an organized, well developed report of 5 paragraphs, compare Julius Caesar with one of the following assassinated leaders:
Yitzhak Rabin
Abraham Lincoln
Malcolm X
Czar Nicholas II of Russia

Please save your report as a Word (.doc) document. Click “add attachments” below to attach and submit your assignment.

Outline Sample

You will have an introductory paragraph that gives an overview of why you’ve chosen to compare both men, then two body paragraphs, each one giving background on each separate man, a third body paragraph that compares both men, and you will wrap up with a conclusion paragraph that restates, in different words, what you addressed in your essay.

I would like you to take some time to read through the website listed below and the essay examples on the website. The website will help you organize your essay so that it is includes an introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs and a closing paragraph. This organization will allow you to paint a clearer compare/contrast picture for your reader.


To summarize, you should have the following as part of your essay:

Paragraph 1 – Introduction

Paragraph 2 – Background on Julius Caesar

Paragraph 3 – Background on the second man you’ve chosen off the list

Paragraph 4 – Comparison of both of the men

Paragraph 5 – Conclusion paragraph restating what you discussed in your essay and wrapping up your piece.

Finally, if you use outside resources to support your essay (you should!), in APA format.

**Any outside information you use should be stated in your own words (summarized).Assignment

In an organized, well developed report of 5 paragraphs, compare Julius Caesar with one of the following assassinated leaders:
Yitzhak Rabin
Abraham Lincoln
Malcolm X
Czar Nicholas II of Russia

Please save your report as a Word (.doc) document. Click “add attachments” below to attach and submit your assignment.

Outline Sample

You will have an introductory paragraph that gives an overview of why you’ve chosen to compare both men, then two body paragraphs, each one giving background on each separate man, a third body paragraph that compares both men, and you will wrap up with a conclusion paragraph that restates, in different words, what you addressed in your essay.

I would like you to take some time to read through the website listed below and the essay examples on the website. The website will help you organize your essay so that it is includes an introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs and a closing paragraph. This organization will allow you to paint a clearer compare/contrast picture for your reader.


To summarize, you should have the following as part of your essay:

Paragraph 1 – Introduction

Paragraph 2 – Background on Julius Caesar


3nd essay (1.5 pages)

Write an analytic response to a SHORT STORY from the textbook.

An analysis of a piece of literature focuses on the deeper meaning of it. Some people call this “reading between the lines.” Analysis includes identifying the tone, setting, purpose, figurative language, symbolism and theme of a piece of writing to grasp the underlying meaning. (These six literary terms are explained below.)


PARAGRAPH 1:To begin, you should have an introductory paragraph that states the STORY’s title, the author and provides a brief background on it. The last sentence in your first paragraph is your thesis statement and should tell your audience what the remainder of your essay is going to include. For example: This essay will examine (story’s title) by (author’s name) and how the author has used literary elements in creating this _______ story. (fill in blank with an adjective)
PARAGRAPHS 2,3,4:The body of your paper should be 3 paragraphs that focus on all or some of the six literary elements listed above. As you craft your body paragraphs, be sure to use direct quotes from the text to explain your examples.
PARAGRAPH 5:Your last paragraph should conclude by wrapping up your entire piece and restate what your essay is about. Finally, tell your reader what we should know after reading your analysis.

Tone – The tone of a literary work is the writer’s attitude toward his or her audience and subject. The tone can often be described by a single adjective, such as formal or informal, serious or playful, bitter or ironic.
Setting – The setting is where and when the story takes place
Purpose – What was the author hoping to accomplish or communicate in writing this story?
Figurative language- Figurative language is writing or speech not meant to be interpreted literally. It is often used to create vivid impressions by setting up comparisons between dissimilar things. Common figures of speech are metaphors, similes, and personification.
Symbolism – A symbol is a character, place, thing or event that stands for something else, often an abstract idea.
Theme – A theme is a general message or insight into life revealed through a literary work. It is basically what the writing suggests about people or life.
Make sure your thoughts are your own by using the information on Avoiding Plagiarism in the English Lab.

Please save your analysis as a Word (.doc) document. Click “add attachments” below to attach and submit your assignment.



………………………..Answer preview…………………..

Elements of Poetry these are the instruments that make up or create a poem. Nothing is created or constructed without the presence of the elements.

            Focusing on the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost it’s made of many elements which make it be a poem. These elements are essential to any work art in order to be termed as a poem. Considering the syntax and grammatical structures, these are devices that are used so as to create poetic effects………………………..

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