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Movie Review

Movie Review

Movie Review: Students will be asked to complete a review of the film Incident at Oglala about the Leonard Peltier case. This film is a detailed examination of the case against the Indians involved in the shooting of 2 FBI agents at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. There are some very good things about this film, and there are, arguably, some bad things. Students should look for those good and bad things, point them out, and provide their views on the meaning of these elements. Focus should be on what feelings and emotions the producers wanted to elicit from white people, and what they wanted people to take from this film. How do they want you to feel? Don’t do what a lot of people do, which is to download the Wikipedia article on this film, and retype it in their own words. NEWS FLASH – I have the internet too. This report is worth 150 points, or 15% of the final grade. It must be typed (no handwritten work), not less than three full pages in length (double spaced). No penalty for going over length. This is not a requirement.



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The movie “Incident at Oglala: The Leonard Peltier story” was produced and narrated by Robert Redford. The movie, Incident at Oglala is an examination of the execution case involving Leonard Peltier, a leader in the American Indian Movement (AIM). The documentary takes place in the Indian reservations of South Dakota, near Wounded Knee…………………………


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