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Movie Critique Preparation – Black Hawk Down

Movie Critique Preparation – Black Hawk Down


The film to conduct this analysis on is Black Hawk Down.

When attempting to ascertain how a movie “works”, i.e., how it is doing what it is doing, it is up to us, the viewer, to bring together a framework of understanding upon the film in question.  This framework employs our own idea (or ideas) generated by and about the film that we have explored using the basic cinematic principles and elements.

Write a minimum of a 1,000-word analysis in which you address the following:

  • Provide an introductory paragraph that includes the thesis statement that you will be arguing for in your paper.  Remember, a thesis is an idea you have generated about the film after having analyzed it extensively.
  • In the body of your analysis, remember to use those cinematic elements and principles most applicable to your thesis statement.
  • In your concluding paragraph, sum up the main ideas that you have generated about the film as well as provide any further ideas for exploration regarding this film.

Reference Film: An Introduction as well as a minimum of two others sources (course ERRs or other legitimate sources) that will support the thesis you are arguing. THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL

Format your analysis consistent with APA guidelines.

Because this is an academic analysis, this paper will include an introductory paragraph, a body consisting of the above topic points, and a concluding paragraph.





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Black Hawk Down by Ridley Scotts is one of the best war films I have read o far.  Scott tells a story concerning U.S. military raid went terribly wrong when some hopeful plans ran into resistance that was unexpected.  It is detailing on a mission inside Somali on October 3, 1993. According to the film director, around 70 people were wounded, and eighteen lost their lives. Within few days, Bill Clinton had to pull out his troops who were on a humanitarian mission. On the other hand, 300,000 Somalis lost their lives due to starvation.  On this date, about a hundred of United State Army Rangers who were commanded…


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