Moren Corporation
) What needs to be included in the CASE STUDY.
•Lay out the Organization Background, Issue, applicable Data and four (4) Decision Criteria, complete with priority percentages (total of 100) with which you would use to compare potential alternatives• The Issue is to be either a Process or a Strategy supply chain issue that encompasses the variety of “symptoms” detailed in the narrative. Attempt to be as generic and overarching as possible. Include as much data as possible. If required, do not hesitate to make some assumptions in order to proceed with appropriate calculations and analysis.
• Prepare as many potential alternatives that you can think of at the end of your submission that you think will singly address your well-defined Issue. Ensure that you use your decision criteria as a scoring tool to score and rank each alternative, and identify the highest scoring alternative as a result of the decision criteria scoring process.
• Provide a strong recommendation and action plan based on the results of your alternative analysis, using both the quantitative results (decision criteria scoring) and your own qualitative analysis of the alternatives (your subjective opinions about each of the alternatives and how effectively they address the Issue).
** 2) Case Study Instructions
Remember to spend your word count (1000 words) accordingly. For the Organization background section, worth 5% of your total case mark, if you spend 300 words on this section, you will not leave yourself enough word count to effectively address the other, more heavily weighted sections like Analyzing case data, worth 25% of your total case mark.
Organization Background 5 Marks
With only 1000 total words to work with, keep any description of the organization very short. Let’s assume you are presenting your study to the appropriate management, who already know about the organization.Issue(s) 15 Marks
What issue in the case will my analysis address and why do I consider it “major?”. Again, for a paper of this size, 1 and maybe 2 issues are appropriate. The more issues you plan to address, the more analysis you will need to have.Analysis 25 Marks
This is where you apply rigorous analysis to the issue(s) you have raised. Carefully explore in each issue using the qualitative and quantitative data contained in the case.Decision Criteria (Objectives) 10 Marks
Objectives are the results your recommendation is designed to achieve. There should not be any recommendations in your objectives. Issues are explored in the analysis while recommendations are assessed against the objectives.Alternatives 20 Marks
Closely tied to your Analysis, you should formulate at least 2 Alternate courses of action that address the Issue(s).Action (Recommendation) and Implementation Plan 15 Marks
State your recommendation as the first sentence of a paragraph, “I recommend ….” Be decisive and clear.
Present the steps by which the recommendation will be implemented. As yourself: Do these steps address the issues? Do they achieve the objectives?Assumptions, Presentation & Organization 10 Marks
If something in the case is unclear or contradictory, state your interpretation as an assumption.
Follow the Case Format (Use the required section Headers), allocate your word count accordingly.mla
Organization background:
In the Eastern United States, Moren Corporation was one of the biggest power utilities. The company was established back in 1895 and it was meant to service an area which was highly industrialized with ten fossil-fueled plants. The demand for the company’s services was doubling every decade in that time and the company had an estimated worth of $19 billion in assets. The company had therefore earmarked the funds needed………………..