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Military History Core Assessment

Military History Core Assessment




Format: MLA


Military History Core Assessment


Interpret and analyze the “American way of war”

Describe and compare American military models

Analyze changing American military policies and goals

Examine American military use of technology

Analyze American relationship with, preparation for, and application of war

Use each of the five Core Learning Outcomes to address the issues highlighted in the final introductory paragraph of For the Common Defense. What evidence from our readings suggests that Americans consider themselves essentially peaceful?  What evidence shows Americans as warlike?  Explain this paradoxical love-hate attitude toward war and how this relationship is reflected in America’s military history.  Finally, why is understanding this important?

For the common defense by Allan R Millett and Peter Maslowski and 2 other sources in MLA format.

This analytical core assessment essay should be:

Double-spaced, font size of 10-12, Times New Roman.

Citations in proper Chicago Style for History Majors OR MLA or APA Style for non-History Majors.

Use margins of one-inch on all four sides

Contain a proper page header with numbered pages.

Length: 1,000 to 1,500 words (approximately 4 to 6 pages).

Include an abstract of 40-60 words.

Include an introduction paragraph with a clear statement of thesis or purpose, and a conclusion paragraph that reiterates your key points.

Be placed as a Word or rtf document by midnight on Sunday of week 6



………………………Answer preview…………………..

War in the United States of America started over the past 20 years or so during the colonial times. Generally, during this period the Americans faced off against several empires globally. However, Americans initiated to war in order to win their independence, expand their national boundaries, define their freedom, and above all, defend their interests across the globe. ………………….


1238 words