A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing
Eng. lit.
Write a contrast essay:
A Contrast paper- to contrast means you start with two things which are very much alike and then you analyze the ways in which they are surprisingly different. You HAVE to get TWO THINGS which are almost exactly ALIKE. This simple rule when selecting a topic for a contrast paper: The More Alike the Better!
Selecting a Question, Narrowing the Topic- many contrast essay questions are what I call “umbrella” questions. This topic they address is so broad that you have to narrow them to do well. First you must Narrow the broad issue into subcategories. Second you can either list on the type or if the question does not involve too many plays, simply list all the plays you have read.
1) Pick the Question (Theme or Approach) you feel that you know the most about, have the most interest in, and do the best work.
Knowledge and Comprehension
2) List all the possible Things within the Topic or Sub-Topic.
Be patient, comprehensive, and exhaustive in your list. For the topic and sub topic you will want to list everything you can think of.
3) Select two similar Things. “The More Alike the Better”
– Brainstorm!
4) Analyze each thing separately.
Create a Venn Diagram : circle diagram
Ex: characteristics of A, THEN characteristics of B, then in middle shared by both A and B
A) Write the first aspect at the top left of the “A” circle. Then brainstorm (list) every possible thing you know about the aspect (Who, what, when, where, how, why?) determine what kind of thing it is. What caused it? Why does it have its distinctive features? What is it like? Why? Why? Why? Write each new idea in the A circle so you do not forget.
B) Now do the same thing for the other aspect writing it at the top right of the B circle and do the same questions why?…
5) Find the Similarities or “Points of Connection.”
Looking over the two circles, analyze what is alike. List similarities in the shared area between A and B circles. TIP: this list of similarities can serve as the basis for your main points of your arguments.
6) Find the Differences on each of these “Points of Connection.”
Focus upon the differences between each of these likenesses and list them below the circles. Ask the Questions from about WHY WHO ETC, How are the two different? Why are they different? How are their differences important? What do the differences mean?> why? Let new ideas spawn other new ideas.
7) Assert an Arguable (Debatable) Thesis
Based upon your analysis of each thing, and your contrast between similar elements. Your thesis will take this format: X is better in Topic than Y
8) Make sure the Thesis is Arguable
***an Uphill fight.. How? Flip It!
Which ever of the two is more difficult to argue: that is the one you want. Pick the Uphill Fight!
9) Organize an Outline on a “Point by Point” organizational structure
Rather than a subject-by-subject structure. It easier for the reader to follow what you are trying to prove, and it helps you, the writer, to actually make arguments about the facts in front of you.
Organize an Outline on a “Point by Point” organizational structure
Example: Point A
Subject 1-
Subject 2-
Point B
Subject 1-
Subject 2-
Point C
Subject 1-
Subject 2-
Point D
Subject 1-
Subject 2-
Helpful Tips for Contrast Papers:
1) Don’t start with two aspects that are different.
2) Make sure the Thesis is a Contrast.
3) Make sure your Thesis Doesn’t merely state that there are Likeness and Differences. Such a Thesis is weak Synthesis and is Not Arguable.
4) Make sure the thesis is both arguable and defensible. Flip It!
5) Make sure the thesis does not merely take specific things from two stories and then generalize them into a universal thesis.
6) Make sure the Points connect.
7) Avoid discussing similarities in your arguments.
8) Avoid merely pointing out the differences between the two things without on each point showing how those differences prove which one is Better!
Nine Steps to Pre-Writing a Contrast Essay
1. Pick the Question- (Theme or Approach) you know most about. {Evaluation}
2. Brainstorm- on all the things (Such as Characters) within all the stories. {Knowledge and Comprehension]
3. Pick the two that are the most alike-: “The More Alike the Better” [Application and Evaluation]
4. Draw a Venn Diagram- two circles, which intersect a bit. List everything you can think of about the first one in the first circle list everything you can about the second one in the second circle. [Knowledge and Comprehension]
5. Find the “Points of Connection”- which are the Similarities and put them in the “Both” intersection between the two circles. [Application and Analysis]
6. Find the Differences on each of these “Points of Connection”- write a list of these difference below the circles. Each of these difference may well be a point to argue in your essay. [Application and Analysis]
7. Asser a Thesis- based upon your analysis in step #6 this thesis will probably take on a format like: X IS BETTER (in the theme) THAN Y. Using this format ensures the Thesis is a Contrast (in other words, emphasizes the Differences). [Synthesis]
8. FLIP IT- flip the thesis back and forth to see which the most arguable, uphill fight! X is better (in the theme) than Y. Y is better (in the theme) than X. [Evaluation]
9. Write an “Point by Point” Outline- your points making sure each point directly, powerfully, and clearly supports the thesis. [Evaluation]
Pick two at least!!!
****Midsummer Night’s Dream, As you Like it, Much Ado about Nothing ****
In the short plays Midsummer Night Dream and Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare emphasizes on several particular groups of individuals. These groups include; women, love, social class and the genre world. A close look at each group illustrates how similar at the same time contradicting.
In the play Midsummer Night Dream, Shakespeare brings presents women in a more traditional and conventional way. He emphasizes on their self-dependence on men. Women as portrayed as submissive beings to the men and none dare to defy the tradition. They are denied any rights to empowerment and are expected to remain inferior to men. This is observed when Hermia the daughter of Egeus is denied the chance to marry the man her heart truly desires. Hermia is in love with Lysander but is forced to marry Demetrius. Through the words of Theseus: “What say you, Hermia? Be advised fair maid: to you your father should be as a God; one that composed your beauties, yea , and one to whom you are but as a form………………