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Meta-synthesis Of Practitioner Journals To Analyze Type, Rate And Quality Of Published Articles  

Meta-synthesis Of Practitioner Journals To Analyze Type, Rate And Quality Of Published Articles

Meta-synthesis Of Practitioner Journals To Analyze Type, Rate And Quality Of Published Articles To Assist Mathematics Teacher

Need to complete a research project. This includes a written report somewhere between a journal article and a full master’s thesis. The project is a journal analysis. The journals are The College Mathematics Journal(Publisher:Mathematical Association of America) and The Mathematics Teacher(Publisher:NCTM). Date range for the journals are 2012 – 2017. I can provide the journals.

Roughly speaking, the paper has 5 parts:

Introduction: (It is already done.)

Literature Review: It will be a summary of prior journal analyses and meta-synthesis research.

Methods: This is where you explain in what will feel like too much detail exactly what you did to find journals and analyze them. The idea of a methods section is that it should read like a sub plan for a sub you don’t trust. Someone should be able to take your methods and implement the analysis you did without any further information than what is written

Results: This is where you present the results of the analysis. Often in this kind of paper it is patterns. Maybe there are tons of algebra activities, but little geometry. Or a journal says they publish math ed but it turns out to not be super true. It’s hard to say before the analysis is done what goes here. There are typically a lot of figures and tables.

Discussion: This is the conclusion section. It summarizes what was found, and in a journal analysis typically makes recommendations for what things should be published in the future.

Other sections: References(in APA), Appendices and front matter (title page, table of contents, etc)

No need to work on introduction part. Paper need to be ready in a month. I attached a template sample paper and resources. This paper needs to be in the same format as like in the sample paper.

I put the links here for the names of articles. Date range for the journals is 2012-2017.

1. The College Mathematics Journal (Publisher: MAA)

2. Mathematics Teacher (Publisher: National Council of Teacher of Mathematics)






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Meta-synthesis Of Practitioner Journals To Analyze Type, Rate And Quality Of Published Articles  APA

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