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As a mental health worker, it is essential to understand the family systems: Individuals and their roles and boundaries

As a mental health worker, it is essential to understand the family systems: Individuals and their roles and boundaries

As a mental health worker, it is essential to understand the family systems: Individuals and their roles and boundaries. This assignment will help you understand how to analyze a family system.

Cite four to six sources to support your answers.

After viewing the What’s Eating Gilbert Grape film and reading the “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape Case Study,” answer the following prompts:

Interpersonal relationships in Gilbert’s family:  
Gilbert and each of his siblings (100-150 words):  
Gilbert and his mother (75-100 words):  
Did Gilbert have a relationship with his father? What do you think it was like? (75-100 words)  
Explain the interpersonal relationships in Gilbert’s family (200-250 words).  
Explain how these interpersonal relationships were formed and maintained (200-250 words):  
Define resiliency and provide an example (75-100 words).  
What are the components that are necessary to build resiliency? (75-100 words)  
Effective Communication Skills:
Compare and contrast empathetic listening to active listening (100-150 words):  
How would you use both types of listening when interviewing members of Gilbert’s family? (100-150 words)  
Explain the challenges you have with active listening and sympathetic listening and how you plan on overcoming these challenges (100-150 words):  
Lastly, explain why it is important for mental health workers to have effective communication skillsin order to work with families of various populations.  (250-300 words)    

Answer preview to As a mental health worker, it is essential to understand the family systems: Individuals and their roles and boundaries

As a mental health worker, it is essential to understand the family systems


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