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Do you think Trump’s response to Covid-19 is similar to what other American presidents would have done

Do you think Trump’s response to Covid-19 is similar to what other American presidents would have done

Discussion question options:

The use of the electoral college in selecting a president has historically been quite controversial. Do you agree with Hamilton in that this “process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.”? Why or why not? Why might a different system be better/worse?

Presidential power has expanded significantly since the founding. Is this expansion good or bad for governance in America? Why or why not?

Think about what you have learned about the Presidency this week. Do you think Trump’s response to Covid-19 is similar to what other American presidents would have done in a similar situation? Why or why not? What presidential powers could have been used differently?


Answer preview to do you think Trump’s response to Covid-19 is similar to what other American presidents would have done

Do you think Trump’s response to Covid-19 is similar to what other American presidents would have done

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