Complete the attach matrix based on the 3 attached articles
Complete the attach matrix based on the 3 attached articles.
Use the information from the completed “Comparison Matrix” to write a paper of 750-1,000 words that compares the three empirical articles. The paper will include the following elements:
Introduction (100-150 words)
- The title of each study
- The author of each study
- Comparison of the purposes of each study
- Comparison of the authors’ statements of why the study is important
Research Questions (125-175 words)
- Comparison of the research questions posed in the studies
Sample Populations (100-150 words)
- Comparison of the sample populations used in the studies
Results (225-275 words)
- Comparison of the results of the studies
Conclusion (200-250 words)
- Discussion of the limitations of the studies
- Comparison of the conclusions from the studies
- Comparison of topics suggested for future study
Submit the Comparison Matrix and the paper as a single deliverable
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