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Identify the marketing vehicles you will use at your NAB Company.

Identify the marketing vehicles you will use at your NAB Company.

Part 1: Please answer the below in a min of 250 words.

Marketing Vehicles”

Marketing is more than advertising. It refers to delivering value and benefits by creating products and services that will meet the needs and wants of customers. Another important component of marketing involves delivering the products at a price the consumer is willing to pay and making the products available in places where they are willing and able to buy them. A marketing vehicle is a specific tool that is used to deliver an advertisement to an intended audience.

For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following: (Please see info on my NAB attached.) – Identify the marketing vehicles you will use at your NAB Company. Describe each method of advertisement and explain why it is a good tool to reach your target market.

Part 2: Please comment on the students discussion post below in a minimum of 150 words. (Ardecia)

The marketing vehicles that would be used by Café De Ribbon to reach their target audience would be as follow:

Social Media Vehicles- a business page will be created on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that would display information about the company and its fruit-based juice along with all flavors it has to offer the public along with the reason the company was created which is to give back to its community while helping those in need.

Broadcast Vehicles- this would include radio stations and television broadcasting will be used to reach members of the community to shade light about the business to those who may not have a social media page. This will help Café De Ribbon set itself apart from its competitors.

Printed Vehicles- will include newspapers this form of publication can reach an entire region or state.

Digital vehicles- would include digital or online interactions along with mobile communication such as mobile apps. Café De Ribbon will also use billboards and benches to get the word out about its business. Digital vehicles are a good tool to use to reinforce the message of the business that has been delivered through broader mass media.


Answer preview to identify the marketing vehicles you will use at your NAB Company.

Identify the marketing vehicles you will use at your NAB Company.APA

615 words

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