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Learning strategy in marketing and business

Learning strategy in marketing and business

2-3 page paper on case study. apa. summary, key points/ tactics and agree/ disagree

Case studies are an important learning strategy in marketing and business classes today. They provide an opportunity to look at events that have happened in business and marketing over a number of years, and examine situations that business leaders and marketers have had to deal with, such as changes with corporate transparency and ethics. Typically, the case study then charts a manager or marketers response, which may involve changing the business or marketing strategy.

You will be evaluating two case studies in this course. The case study should follow proper APA guidelines, and have:

·A Cover Page

·12 Font

·Double- spaced

·Include in- text citations

·Work Cited

Each case should be approximately 2 full pages, double-spaced, and outline the following information:

1.Summary of the case study

2.Key tactics/communication used by the company

a.Do you agree/disagree with the tactics used? Why?

3. Recommendations on any additional tactics the company could have used

4. Conclusion

a. What you have learned from the case study?


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Learning strategy in marketing and business


644 words

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