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Evaluate the evidence for and against the Efficiency Market Hypothesis. Take on the role of an expert in this area and create

Evaluate the evidence for and against the Efficiency Market Hypothesis.

Evaluate the evidence for and against the Efficiency Market Hypothesis. Take on the role of an expert in this area and create a Power Point Presentation to be given to a group of investors. Formulate and provide conclusions and recommendations for guiding these investors considering this market efficiency debate. Include in your presentation the role that can be played by financial stakeholders in effecting the efficiency of the market.

The required length of the PowerPoint Presentation option for this assignment is 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide). Your presentation MUST include notes that contain 100-150 words per slide (this is your script). Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style. Save the file as a PPT file with the correct course code information in the name.

Hey – I believe my outline had a long list of potential sources. Besides the textbook I need to use a minimum of 5 published, peer reviewed ideally, sources. If the sources I listed are not needed, used, relevant please feel free to adjust and delete. Use attached PPT in building the rest of the presenation since I already started it.Thank you!

Textbook:Bodie, Z., Kane, A., & Marcus, A. J. (2013). Investments New York, NY McGraw-Hill-Irwin 9780077641986

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Answer preview to Evaluate the evidence for and against the Efficiency Market Hypothesis. Evaluate the evidence for and against the Efficiency Market Hypothesis. 

14 slides

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