MGT 4478


1.    Follow the steps below:

  • Research the chosen country.
  • Choose an appropriate product/service to introduce into the country (newer items only or new to int’l business companies, if you are from Georgia you can’t sell Coke).
  • Researchaservice or product line of a native Alabama (or the state you call home) company (not foreign-owned), your choice; if you are a foreign-born student, you will sell a product /service from your home country (not foreign-owned) to sell in the assigned country.
  • Do further research on the country focusing on the information relevant to the product/service.
  • Write the paper following the outline below in #4:


  1. Use a minimum of five sources.  Newspaper articles (Wall Street Journal) and popular business publications (Business Week, Fortune) are some of the best sources because they are current.  Changes occur rapidly in the international environment for business, so only sources that have been published in the last 5 years are reliable (sometimes the very latest [this semester] sources are most important). Use the following many times, (Hill, 2013, p. xx). Cite all sources and arrange headings according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition (APA style).


Only sources with identifiable authors are acceptable.  That means a person’s name has to be attached to the article! (There are ONLY two exceptions; company web page and CIA website.)   A full reference page is required.

  1. The paper will be 8 printed pages of text, cover sheet and reference page are extra. The paper will be double-spaced, 1″ margins, numbered pages (first page of text is 1), and Times New Roman 12 pt font.  Spelling, typographical errors, and poor grammar count (off). Use third person (no I, me, or we).

This is a formal business report.  This is not a creative writing project.  I do not want your opinion.  State the facts and draw a conclusion.

  1. Follow the outline below. Use headings/subheadings. You must include the BOLD/bold ones.




Describe your company and reasons for going international.                                                       10

Describe rational for the choice of product/service.                                10

Make it very clear what product or service you are selling and who your customer (B2B?) will be.  10




Strategy.What is the strategy? Why?(global/trans/multi/int’l)                                                          20Entry strategy and reasons why.(export, FDI, JV…)                                                               20

Structure                      “                                                                                                          10

Staffing Philosophy     “                                                                                                           10

Remember strategy, structure, and staffing must “fit together”.




How do you plan to ensure a long-term cooperative relationship with your host country?                10

Total                                                                                                            100



  • A (90-100)

The paper is well organized both overall and at the paragraph level. Sentences are smooth and carefully crafted. There are virtually no errors in punctuation or spelling, grammar or usage. Words are chosen with precision. Informal language (i.e., slang) or dialect is used only when appropriate. The paper avoids triteness and unwarranted generalization: the language is fresh and vivid. The paper is tight, not wordy. The ideas show a thorough understanding of the work and are often insightful; the ideas are developed and supported. The ideas illuminate the work as a whole and do not contradict other parts of the work or overlook parts, which are relevant to the topic. The writer keeps his/her audience in mind and, as a consequence, the paper engages and interests the reader. Citations of authors and literature in the field are abundant, add insight, and clarify ideas stated.


  • B (80-89)

The paper is well-organized, but the paragraph structure may sometimes be disjointed. The paper may have a few awkward passages and a few errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar or usage. The language may at times be too general; it may lack the freshness or precision of the “A” paper. But none of these errors is glaring or highly distracting. The ideas are worthwhile and show good understanding of the work; they are sometimes insightful, generally well developed, and well supported. The ideas help illuminate the work as a whole and contradict or overlook no major aspects. While the paper is always clear and thus suggests that the writer had his/her audience in mind in a general way, the style or presentation of the ideas does not always engage or interest the reader. Citations of authors and literature in the field add clarity to the ideas stated.


  • C (70-79)

The paper is basically well-organized, though individual paragraphs may be disunited or misplaced. Generally, however, the paper shows that the writer has followed a logical plan. The writing is competent, but often wordy, overly general, imprecise, or trite. Sentences may at times be awkwardly constructed, but their meaning is clear. Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage are not highly distracting, but there may be some errors. The ideas are generally worthwhile, but not very insightful; development and support are present but sometimes less than adequate. The ideas illuminate parts of the work, but not the whole; no major aspects of the work are contradicted or entirely disregarded. While the writing is usually competent, the writer does little to interest or engage the reader in what he/she has to say. Citations of a thesis and literature in the field add limited clarity or misrepresent the ideas stated.

  • D (60-69)

The paper is poorly organized, though there is a recognizable thesis. Some sentences may be so confused that their meaning does not clearly emerge. Words may be imprecise, incorrect, trite or vague. In general, however, the paper is understandable. Ideas are generally superficial and weakly developed or supported, although some development and support are present. Obvious aspects of the work have been overlooked or disregarded; some significant facts may be incorrect. Audience “engagement” cannot occur, although the writer may have attempted to elicit it, because of the serious deficiencies already noted. Citations are limited or missing.

  • F (0-59)

The paper lacks a clear thesis; the language or sentence structure is so muddled as to be unclear in several spots; or the errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage are highly distracting. The ideas are superficial and show no real understanding of the work beyond, perhaps, plots; important facts are incorrect. The paper relies on generalizations with little or no development or support. The paper blatantly overlooks, disregards, or contradicts important aspects of the work. Under any of these conditions audience “engagement” is impossible.










…………………Answer Preview……………………..


The modern entrepreneurial environment is characterized with Globalization sentiments a move that has seen much business expanding into international markets in order to tale advantage of the ready market. Currently, the developing countries are a leading pack in the investment opportunities. One such country is Tanzania which has positioned itself as a hub for investment courtesy of her good strategic and economic dialogue by the government of the day and the hospitality of the Tanzanian people in that they are welcoming……………………


2,425 Words

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