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How does the plan “measure up” in terms of meeting ethical and legal responsibilities to stakeholders 

How does the plan “measure up” in terms of meeting ethical and legal responsibilities to stakeholders

Topic 2, Discussion Question #2. Topic 2. Practice Standards and Risk Management.  Class Name: Safety, Quality, and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Care

A formal risk management plan demonstrates a health care organization’s approach as well as support for risk management and, ultimately, patient safety. Access information from your own employer/organization or using the Internet to find an allied health care organization located in your city or region, and identify the goals and objectives, scope, and functions of an existing risk management plan. How does the plan “measure up” in terms of meeting ethical and legal responsibilities to stakeholders? How might you improve it? Explain.


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How does the plan measure up in terms of meeting ethical and legal responsibilities to stakeholders 

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