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Develop and describe a personal time management plan that will support your educational goals

Develop and describe a personal time management plan that will support your educational goals

Related Reading:

Chapters 6 and 7 (Parrott text)

Chapter 4 (Baldwin et al. text)

Jeremiah 6:27, Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Nehemiah 7:64, 2 Kings 22:8-13

Prompt: Develop and describe a personal time management plan that will support your educational goals as well as maintain your workplace and family responsibilities. Include the following:

Plan for balancing the important relationships and activities of your life with your master’s degree and how will you seek renewal.

Specific goals

Techniques and approaches


Personality preferences

Stress level


Requirements: 750 words minimum, two scholarly sources, APA format

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Develop and describe a personal time management plan that will support your educational goals


891 words

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