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Write 5–6-page analysis of Design Thinking Theory and a change management model.

Write 5–6-page analysis of Design Thinking Theory and a change management model.

Design Thinking and Models of Change

Write 5–6-page analysis of Design Thinking Theory and a change management model.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon one another and should be completed in sequence.

Course Scenario

Your germ of an idea has begun to sprout, and you decide that you have what it takes to be a leader of innovation in your company (or one you can imagine working for). You know that change rarely comes quickly in large global organizations, but you believe beginning a discussion, introducing ideas, and showing examples are important first steps in transforming your organization and its culture into one that is more innovative. You need a plan to jump-start the process. A colleague has suggested that you consider the Design Thinking Process to develop your ideas of how to get your company focused on innovation. You may not know much about it, but you decide to consider it.

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Answer preview to write 5–6-page analysis of Design Thinking Theory and a change management model.

Write 5–6-page analysis of Design Thinking Theory and a change management model.


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