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Discuss strategies for effectively managing teams, especially as they apply to leadership strategies to support open communication

Discuss strategies for effectively managing teams, especially as they apply to leadership strategies to support open communication

Brooke has requested that you specifically address the following in your presentation:

Team Dynamics: Discuss strategies for effectively managing teams, especially as they apply to leadership strategies to support open communication and foster effective followership within teams.

Discuss the impact of role changes within a team on team dynamics for informing management about what to expect in terms of followership and leadership approaches.

Include management approaches for effectively leading teams during times of transition.

Describe strategies to establish trust and open communication on teams for informing leadership approaches and supporting followership. Address the following in your response:

What leadership approaches support teams and encourage open communication?

What leadership skills encourage effective followership?

Discuss conflict resolution and negotiation skills for addressing each opportunity for improvement outlined in the scenario for fostering productive team dynamics. Address the following in your response:

How will the conflict resolution or negotiation skill identified address the issue?

Leadership Style: Each manager you will present to will have their own unique leadership style. Brooke would like you to provide leadership skill development for the management team by discussing the importance of leadership skills and applying their leadership style.

Discuss individual efficiencies in leadership and followership for informing management approaches. Address the following in your response:

What is the difference between an effective leader and an ineffective leader?

How does an effective leader manage individuals and encourage followership?

Explain the use of self-assessment tools and strategies for determining potential on or within a team. Address the following in your response:

How do self-assessment tools and strategies support employees in considering team contribution and supporting group and individual goals?

Discuss the importance of understanding one’s leadership style. In the speaker notes, highlight your own style or the style of an admired leader as an example for illustrating the application of leadership styles in a workplace setting. Address the following:

How does natural leadership style influence leadership and followership in managing individuals and groups?

Discuss the situational leadership model as it applies to natural leadership styles. Include the following in your response:

How can all leadership styles use the situational leadership model to support their natural leadership style?

As an example, discuss applications to your own leadership style in speaker notes.

Answer preview to discuss strategies for effectively managing teams, especially as they apply to leadership strategies to support open communication Discuss strategies for effectively managing teams especially as they apply to leadership strategies to support open communication

12 slides

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