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Analyze and evaluate planning management and models.

Analyze and evaluate planning management and models.

Discuss connections between politics and public policy.

Identify issues surrounding program delivery in government versus proactive solutions (rowing vs. steering).

i believe these are the questions, from what i can see

The events that were described in this case

study sounds to me as if they started off with the planning model of

Rational Planning. I say this due to the fact that all the right parties

were alerted to what needed to be done with goals being said and set to

be put into place for starters. This did help with the main concerns

being priorities and kept to along with formations being followed with

effective organized tactics. They were put into place after the goals

were set and made. As I read this case study and from my understandings

this war was being analyzed and evaluated by senior officers in

Washington who all had different ways and structures they thought would

work best for meeting the goals that had been set into place. This was

one of the Rational models of continuing opinions with the planning

process in order to see what all has currently worked with what was set

to be done and what was not working and needed to be taken out and

improved. But with that being said this is where I could see were the

Rational Planning model some what worked and where the weakness of the

plan begin to splay its role. The thorough communications about the

goals that worked and were not working were not being met let alone

everyone was on different pages with alternative actions that needed to

be done. There were no set connections information being made of all the

shared resources at all.

Answer preview to analyze and evaluate planning management and models.

Analyze and evaluate planning management and models.APA

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