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After reading Chapters 15 and the article titled Teachers Win over Unions and State Government on page 499

After reading Chapters 15 and the article titled Teachers Win over Unions and State Government on page 499

After reading Chapters 15 and the article titled Teachers Win over Unions and State Government on page 499, respond to the following questions:

In this situation, what would you describe as the goals of management (the state government leaders), labor unions, and society? Based on the information given, which goals do you think were achieved?

Do you think a strike was the best way for the union to resolve it\’s differences with state leadership? Why or why not? What other options did the teachers have?

Answer in short essay format

Requirements: Short essay format

Answer preview to after reading Chapters 15 and the article titled Teachers Win over Unions and State Government on page 499

After reading Chapters 15 and the article titled Teachers Win over Unions and State Government on page 499


634 words

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