Home » Downloads » Discuss two contemporary human capital topics that have impacted your workplace or that you foresee impacting a business.

Discuss two contemporary human capital topics that have impacted your workplace or that you foresee impacting a business.

Discuss two contemporary human capital topics that have impacted your workplace or that you foresee impacting a business.

Read Chapter 11 in Applied Psychology in Talent Management.
Review the Personnel Psychology and Talent Management in Perspective section in Chapter 1 of Applied Psychology in Talent Management.
Read the articles:
The Big Disconnect in Your Talent Strategy and How to Fix It
Reimagining Time Off
HR Then and Now: 6 Trends That Have Shaped the Workplace—and HR—Over the Past Decade
Diversity & Innovation: Meet Five Leaders Who Have Invented New Approaches to D & I
Using at least two articles as supportive research, discuss two contemporary human capital topics that have impacted your workplace or that you foresee impacting a business. You may use this week’s required or recommended articles or locate your own. Additionally, address, as current or future leaders, how understanding these topics can assist you in recruiting and retaining employees.

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Answer preview to discuss two contemporary human capital topics that have impacted your workplace or that you foresee impacting a business.

Discuss two contemporary human capital topics that have impacted your workplace or that you foresee impacting a business.


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