Literature search strategy
Write a detailed, 2-3-page description of an appropriate literature search strategy and execute that strategy by locating a minimum of 20 scholarly publications. Then, analyze each source and identify main themes
PICOT question in download on assignment
1Describes an appropriate and comprehensive literature search strategy extending beyond published studies and combining multiple search techniques.
2 Analyzes the literature addressing a PICOT question. Applies explicit, relevant criteria to a concise and balanced critical appraisal of scholarly sources.
3 Organizes literature by main themes. Identifies common themes, differences in perspective, opposing viewpoints, and points of synthesis among sources. Provides an APA-formatted reference to identify each source.
4 Writes clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style. Main points, ideas, arguments, or propositions are well-developed and engaging. Adheres to all applicable disciplinary and scholarly writing standards.
5 Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting of in-text citations and references.
Paper Format: APA
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