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Literature reviews tend to read as a book report because it has an introduction

Literature reviews tend to read as a book report because it has an introduction

Literature reviews tend to read as a “book report” because it has an introduction, background, a discussion of the sources, a conclusion with recommendations at the end. However, the literature review takes an article or articles to analyze a set of findings to give credibility to an argument. Smallbone and Quinton (2011) believed there are identifying and collecting literature, breaking down the literature by questioning the information, and creating an argument and discussion of the literature. There is a difference between synthesis and summarizing. Summarizing is just a factual clip of information from a text. Synthesis adds another level to the review. There is an argument and a discussion that adds more than one source to support the topic.

Developing and employing the skill of synthesis improved the quality of the literature review. Smallbone and Quinton (2011) suggest that students may not have had the opportunity to build these skills in their secondary education and may have little experience from an undergraduate level. Using maps, or outlines to build a framework as doctoral students are learning how to write literature reviews is a good source as they practice improving their literature reviews.

Smallbone, T., & Quinton, S. (2011). A three-stage framework for teaching literature reviews: A new approach. International Journal of Management Education (Oxford Brookes University), 9(4), 1–11. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.3794/ijme.94.337

Requirements: 1 full paragraph

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Literature reviews tend to read as a book report because it has an introduction


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