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The greatest difference between peer reviewed and other types of literature

The greatest difference between peer reviewed and other types of literature

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The greatest difference between peer reviewed and other types of literature as explained in Chapter 3 of the class text is that nonacademic sources lack “sufficient rigor, discipline or peer-review” (Zaikina-Montgomery, 2020, Critical Thinking in Practice section). Furthermore, literature that cannot be critically examined or evaluated should not be utilized in doctoral level research and writing (Zaikina-Montgomery, 2020). Peer reviewed articles allow the reader to assume a certain level of trust in the accuracy and ethics of the content. Furthermore, scholarly literature is intended for a specific audience, whereas nonacademic writing is designed for the general public. The use of a peer review system also allows for consistency of expectation and standard for the scholarly researchers during their literature review process. Unfortunately, nonacademic publications and websites frequently rely solely on the author’s opinion and their interpretation of facts, independent from how others may interpret them.

This distinction between content sources is paramount to ensuring legitimacy of scholarly literature. Therefore, the process for peer review is lengthy and involved, not to be taken lightly. Govender (2015, as cited in Zaikina-Montgomery, 2020) outlined 5 properties to consider regarding the process of peer review. Perhaps the most critical of these properties is that the benefit the peer review process allows for the reviewer. This process engages readers in scholarly discourse that ultimately enables them to improve their own writing skills and to become active and engaged in the scholarly community. Only through engaging in all levels of the process of scholarly writing can we hope to become better writers, researchers and scholars.



Without peer-reviewed literature, researchers could be misled by opinions and incorrect statistical facts. Peer-review of academic literature is crucial because articles will not be published if specific criteria are not met; therefore, researchers can ensure that the peer-reviewed examples are the highest standard within that specific academic field (Zaikina-Montgomery, 2020). Researchers need to ensure there is truth behind their opinions and need to uphold their views with facts. If peer-reviewed literature were not up to standard, researchers risk giving out inaccurate information.

Peer-reviewed literature is unique within the writing realm and has a multitude of distinguishers. Peer-reviewed literature is distinguished from other literary forms because the published article is sponsored by a qualified scholarly association (Zaikina-Montgomery, 2020). Many times, pieces will state that they are peer-reviewed, and the authenticity can be guaranteed from the GCU library. In other words, the article follows academic writing rather than nonacademic writing; the literature is formal, comprehensive, and meaningful (Zaikina-Montgomery, 2020). When processing a peer-reviewed paper, it is essential to note that every word is conscripted for a reason, and it has great importance within that academic field.

Doctoral level research is exclusive and particular, and it requires reliable and credible information. The distinction of peer-reviewed literature is crucial to doctoral-level research because it gives scholars time to reflect, ensures the quality of research, helps understand ethical responsibility, helps achieve a higher research level, and helps other peers further research (Zaikina-Montgomery, 2020). It seems that peer-reviewed literature is a never-ending cycle. With that said, every piece of literature feeds into the next researcher\’s findings. Over time, if peer-reviewed articles were not accurate, research would be defective and unreliable.



One of the most common misconceptions of a dissertation topic is that individuals commit to a topic that they cannot essentially research (Nordin & McClendon, 2020). Moreover, it is vital to develop a feasible dissertation topic. The top concepts to be aware of when deciding on a dissertation topic are that it needs to be manageable, aligns with the researcher\’s background/interests, can be completed promptly, cannot be highly invested in the topic, cannot be illegal or dangerous, and adds to the body of research within that specific academic field (Nordin & McClendon, 2020). I believe I have a topic that I would like to research; however, I need to start exploring the subject to decide if I can further discuss it. Often, individuals need to narrow down their topic to make it a more manageable and focused study. Areas to be aware of are, population size, data collection techniques, and areas that are not easily accessible (Nordin & McClendon, 2020).

My proposed broad concept is evaluating students\’ difficulty with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) within higher education. My program of study is Education in Teaching and Learning with an Emphasis on Higher Education. My proposed concept aligns with my research program because there is a significant amount of individuals who have PTSD within the education world, and many of those individuals do not further their education because of the difficulties and restraints they deal with regarding their mental disorder (opinion-based). Within my Bachelor\’s of study, I completed a manuscript relating to PTSD within the workplace. I came across peer-reviewed articles that involved specific accommodations within the academic domain for individuals with PTSD within my research.

I believe that my topic will be beneficial and contribute a lot of great information to my study field. I think it is essential to understand where faculty, universities, and students can make adjustments for these individuals to further their education. Being a veteran, I know many individuals who have high potential to impact different fields of higher education. If I can conduct this study, it could open up a new world and research for PTSD scholars. There are many accommodations made for disabled students. Still, the accommodations do not coincide with PTSD students since they could potentially be impossible to identify without seeing an episode or having the individual disclose that information.



How do you know when a topic needs to be narrowed to something more specific in order to be feasible?

A topic needs to be narrowed down when it is not feasible. For an example when developing a study in which one is seeking to survey the state of North Dakota and their political and religious views. This is entirely too broad. As doctoral students we must consider our timeline within the program as well as our future goals. When an area is too broad there is a wide array of research available. Simply put, it has been done already. The less amount of research available the greater opportunity that your topic is needed.

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The greatest difference between peer reviewed and other types of literature


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