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How legislation impacts the availability of mental health services available to our communities

How legislation impacts the availability of mental health services available to our communities

  1. Being aware of how legislation impacts the availability of mental health services available to our communities and is also a part of the Essentials: of Core Competencies of Professional Nursing Education.
    1. Manage population health (AACN, 2021).
      1. Laws and legislation make decisions that impact community access and availability to services 
  • Chooseoneofthe current issueslistedbelow that youarethemostinterestedinknowingmoreabout.Your basic question once you pick the issue is “Do I, or don’t I, support thisissue.”
    • Fullfunding forSTEP-VA Initiative
    • Expansion of Permanent Supportive Housing for Individuals with SeriousMental Illness
    • Expansion of Jail-based Mental Health Services and Criminal Justice DiversionPrograms

More information on writing about pro and con issues can be found at this website:https://leandecisions.com/2012/09/10-tips-for-better-pro-con-lists.html

  • Identify one resource (does not have to be nursing only) to support your “pros” and one resource to support the “cons”.
    • Evidence can almost always be found on both sides of any issue.It is yourresponsibility to find at least one (1) journal article supporting thosewhoarefortheissueandatleastone(1)forthosewhoareagainsttheissue.
  • Type a one-page paper outlining the issue you have chosen.
    • Explain the two opposing views.Identify yourpositionand providejustificationof yourchoice.
    • The idea is for you to review the information you have collected (pros/consand 1 article on each position – 2 journal articles total requires).You are to write a one-page paper brieflydescribing the issue, each of the two positions, and your rationale for whichpositionyou are taking on the issue.
  • Then draft a letter to be sent to the delegate or senator in your voting precinct and expressyourposition from the 1-page paper you wrote.
    • Now that you have made an educated decision regarding the position youwant to take on the issue and can clearly articulate why you have taken theposition you chose based on the evidence.
    • Write a letter to the delegate orsenator in your voting precinct.The letter should clearly state the issue youare writing about and why you are for or against the issue.You will includereferences you identified to support your position as evidence-based and notan opinion.
    • You are expected to mail the letter to the chosen legislator orcopy/paste the content onto the legislators contact link within his/her website.Please make sure the letter is clearly written in a professional format withproper grammar and punctuation as you are now representing the nursingprofession.
  • YourfinaldraftofthepaperandtheletterarewhatshouldbeuploadedtoD2L.
    • Referencesneed tobe included withthe typed paperin properAPA format.

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How legislation impacts the availability of mental health services available to our communities


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